David Floyd (1854-1913) |
"...Mr. Floyd was born in Winthrop 59 years ago in the old Ford homestead on Main Street, the son of Edward and Lucretia Floyd, and has lived in Winthrop ever since. He engaged in the real estate business with offices both in Winthrop and Boston since 1879 and has much to do with Winthrop growth. He was town treasurer from 1885 to 1895 and in 1888 was a member of the House of Representatives, from the district composed of Winthrop, Revere and a portion of Chelsea. At the time of his death he was trustee of the Winthrop Public Library, trustee of the Winthrop Improvement and Historical Association, vice president County Savings Bank of Chelsea, ex-president Suffolk Chapter, S.A.R., director of the Mass. Real Estate Exchange and a director of the Winthrop Cooperative Bank. He was one of the founders and ex-presidents of the Improvement Association, and had made a study of Winthrop history, from its beginnings, and was often called upon to speak on historical matters not only pertaining to Winthrop but to other adjoining towns closely aligned to Winthrop..." |
"All classes, the rich, the poor, the high, the lowly, men high in the councils of the state, men from all parts of greater Boston, say nothing of those from Winthrop, gathered in the First Methodist Church, Sunday afternoon, to pay their last tribute to the late David Floyd, whose sudden death has cast a gloom over this community..." |
"He began business life by clerking in a general store. In 1882 he was elected one of the assessors of Winthrop, and finding need of a better system of keeping real estate records of this fast-growing town, he established the " Block" system of writing up and keeping the changes of every parcel of land in the town -- Winthrop being the first town in the Commonwealth to adopt such a system.
Since the death of his father in 1879 he has had much to do with the real estate formerly in his charge, and in January, 1889, he with Frank W. Tucker formed a co-partnership as general agents for the care and sale of real estate, the placing of mortgages, writing fire insurance, etc., under the firm name of Floyd & Tucker, with offices both in Winthrop and Boston.
Mr. Floyd was married, June 9, 18S6, to Belle A., daughter of Charles T. and Emily E. (Fernald) Seavey. They have no children.
Mr. Floyd is a trustee and steward of Winthrop M. E. Church; president of the Law and Order League and the Winthrop Horticultural Society; was clerk of the Boston, Winthrop & Point Shirley R. R. Co., 1879 and '80; has been town treasurer since 1883; was representative to the General Court, 1887 and '88, serving on committees on mercantile affairs, taxation (chairman), and engrossed bills; he is a trustee and one of the founders of Winthrop public library, and was for several years chairman of the Republican town committee."
Memorial location: Winthrop Public Library, Museum |
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