Eight possible sites for Library were presented
at Town Meeting - Fourth session
"...Lot 5 was selected by a vote of 76 to 19" |
Lot 1 - 53,380 square feet on west side of Hermon St. between the Baptist and Unitarian churches. Price 17 cents per foot, $9,071. Assessors valuation $1,800 |
Lot 2 - 16,467 square feet on the corner of Fremont street. and Jefferson avenue. Price, average, 19 cents per foor, $3,084. Assessors valuation $1,900 |
Lot 3 - 17,699 square feet on east side of Winthrop street, between the residences of Warren Belcher and M. Austin Belcher. Price, average, 19 cents per foot, $3,476. Assessors valuation $3,050 |
Lot 4 - 40,000 square feet, corner of Winthrop (east side) and Buchanan streets. Price withouy building, 25 cents per foor, $2,500. Assessors valuation $1,600 |
Lot 5 - 16,808 square feet, corner of Winthrop (west side) and Buchanan streets. Price 25 cents per foot, $4,200. Assessors valuation $2,650 |
Lot 6 - 20,000 feet on west side of Winthrop street between Winthrop Terrace and street to Beacon Villa. Price $3,000.. Assessors valuation $2,000 |
Lot 7 - 13,623 feet on corner of Washingtom avenue (north side) and Thornton Park. Price $3,500. Assessors valuation $3,000 |
Captain Irwin - Corner of Hermon and Lincoln streets, $2,900. Assessors valuation $1,750 |