Two more sites for the Library offered
at Town Meeting - Fifth session
"...Lot 5 was selected by a vote of 76 to 19" |
...Herbert L Belcher move the reconsideration of the vote of the week previous selecting the Newcom lot as the site for the Frost Library building and favored, placing the building on the east side of Winthrop Street and land line between Chester Avenue and James Avenue the line is about 160 X 100 feet and the price $3,500... |
...Mr. Lorenzo Richardson favored reconsideration and urges that the Blaisdell lot containing 46,000 square feet with a frontage on Winthrop, Hermon and Pauline streets be purchased as a site for a new town hall and also the library.
Mr. Richardson showed that this lot would better accomodate the people of the whole town than any other which had been mentioned and that it could be laid out to as to be an ornament to the town...."
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"...The motion to reconsider did not prevail."