Property Name |
Category |
Address |
Year |
Page |
Register |
Cottage Hill - Hillside Avenue |
Area |
Court Park |
Area |
Thornton Park - Washington Avenue |
Area |
Winthrop Center |
Area |
Winthrop Highlands - Jeremiah Green Area |
Area |
Woodside Park |
Area |
Cottage Park |
Area |
Surfside Street |
Area |
Billows Street |
Area |
Winthrop Shore Drive |
Area |
Winthrop Center - Metcalf Square Historic District |
Area |
Winthrop Centre Station Commercial Area |
Area |
Lewis Lake Park |
Area |
c 1925 |
WTH.905 |
Winthrop Cemetery |
Cemetery |
c 1835 |
WTH.800 |
Winthrop Spanish American War Veterans' Memorial |
Object |
c 1930 |
WTH.901 |
Winthrop Civil War Memorial |
Object |
1907 |
WTH.900 |
Winthrop World War I Veterans' Memorial |
Object |
1927 |
WTH.902 |
Winthrop World War II - Korean War Memorial |
Object |
1965 |
WTH.918 |
Governor Winthrop House Marker |
Object |
WTH.907 |
Cottage Hill Water Tower |
Structure |
82 Faun Bar Ave |
1909 |
WTH.903 |
Fort Banks Mortar Battery |
Structure |
Kennedy Dr |
c 1892 |
WTH.912 |
Clark, William House |
Building |
22 Adams St |
c 1900 |
WTH.1 |
Perkins, George O. House |
Building |
101 Almont St |
c 1898 |
WTH.2 |
Queen Anne-style house |
Building |
2 Andrews St |
c 1910 |
WTH.274 |
Wallon - Kirk, Andrew House |
Building |
105 Bartlett Rd |
c 1905 |
WTH.4 |
Harlow, Fancis - Felkins, Mario House |
Building |
106 Bartlett Rd |
c 1912 |
WTH.5 |
Griffin, Leslie E. House |
Building |
112 Bartlett Rd |
c 1900 |
WTH.6 |
Newell, Grace - Lanning, C. D. - Lindsey, C. House |
Building |
125 Bartlett Rd |
c 1900 |
WTH.7 |
Gabled Cottage |
Building |
33 Bay View Ave |
r 1880 |
WTH.278 |
Levine, Donald House |
Building |
10 Beach Rd |
c 1912 |
WTH.8 |
Riordan, H. O. House |
Building |
19 Beach Rd |
c 1900 |
WTH.135 |
Tewksbury - Smith - Donovan House |
Building |
30 Beal St |
c 1873 |
WTH.9 |
Builder's Pair |
Building |
49 Beal St |
r 1900 |
WTH.288 |
Swint, Jacob P. House |
Building |
15-17 Belcher St |
c 1892 |
WTH.10 |
Whelan, M. T. - Sheilds, Joseph House |
Building |
9 Bellevue Ave |
c 1910 |
WTH.11 |
Stone, Frederic - Richardson, Ida |
Building |
11 Bellevue Ave |
c 1907 |
WTH.12 |
Tewksbury House |
Building |
19 Bellevue Ave |
r 1880 |
WTH.13 |
Vegkle, William House |
Building |
30 Bellevue Ave |
c 1910 |
WTH.14 |
Two-Family Colonial Revival |
Building |
33 Bellevue Ave |
r 1900 |
WTH.309 |
Johnson, L. - Haley, John House |
Building |
74 Birch Rd |
c 1912 |
WTH.15 |
Whitford, Thomas - Porter, William House |
Building |
106 Bowdoin St |
r 1845 |
WTH.16 |
Colonial Revival Multiple Family |
Building |
136 Bowdoin St |
r 1900 |
WTH.295 |
Belcher, M. Austin House |
Building |
162 Bowdoin St |
r 1835 |
WTH.17 |
Saint John's Episcopal Church |
Building |
222 Bowdoin St |
1889 |
WTH.18 |
Ruttle, William H. House and Greenhouses |
Building |
294 Bowdoin St |
r 1900 |
WTH.19 |
Johnstone - Curtis - Freeland House |
Building |
308 Bowdoin St |
c 1895 |
WTH.20 |
Clark, William H. House |
Building |
312 Bowdoin St |
c 1900 |
WTH.21 |
Stransburger, J. House |
Building |
24 Brookfield Rd |
c 1918 |
WTH.22 |
Jordan, Herbert House |
Building |
40 Brookfield Rd |
c 1928 |
WTH.23 |
Parker, Gilman C. - Stephenson, John House |
Building |
23 Buchanan St |
c 1874 |
WTH.24 |
Parker, Gilman C. - Douglas, Wellington House |
Building |
45 Buchanan St |
c 1865 |
WTH.25 |
Griffin, Sidney - Ingalls, Mary House |
Building |
57 Buchanan St |
1856 |
WTH.26 |
Johnson, Walter - Petersen, John House |
Building |
35 Centre St |
c 1891 |
WTH.27 |
Tewksbury, Nancy A. House |
Building |
14 Charles St |
c 1880 |
WTH.28 |
Margeson, M. H. - Day, George M. House |
Building |
19 Chester Ave |
c 1890 |
WTH.29 |
Newmarch, Charles - Greenlaw, William House |
Building |
25 Chester Ave |
c 1900 |
WTH.30 |
Mayo, Harold - Whittemore, Lester House |
Building |
153 Circuit Rd |
c 1920 |
WTH.31 |
Leitch, Lewis House |
Building |
26 Cliff Ave |
c 1933 |
WTH.32 |
Everbeck, George House |
Building |
64 Cliff Ave |
c 1892 |
WTH.33 |
Hudson, Edward W. - Cronenwett, George House |
Building |
70 Cliff Ave |
1898 |
WTH.34 |
Elwell, Benjamin House |
Building |
30 Cora St |
r 1880 |
WTH.35 |
Altered Queen Anne and Colonial Revival house |
Building |
5 Coral Ave |
r 1900 |
WTH.287 |
Connelly, Michael J. House |
Building |
39 Coral Ave |
c 1900 |
WTH.36 |
Warnock, Adam - Scates, Hollis House |
Building |
67 Cottage Ave |
c 1884 |
WTH.37 |
Feely, Margaret House |
Building |
171 Cottage Park Rd |
c 1890 |
WTH.38 |
Italianate style house |
Building |
188 Cottage Park Rd |
WTH.39 |
Pease, Oliver E. House |
Building |
191 Cottage Park Rd |
r 1890 |
WTH.40 |
Sprague, Sarah - Belcher, Orlando |
Building |
220 Cottage Park Rd |
c 1883 |
WTH.41 |
Hames, Edward - Cook, Lorimer House |
Building |
226-228 Cottage Park Rd |
c 1900 |
WTH.42 |
Carstensen, Henry - Gustavis House |
Building |
5 Court Rd |
c 1895 |
WTH.43 |
Dealy, William F. House |
Building |
41 Court Rd |
c 1905 |
WTH.44 |
Hatfield, Frank K. House |
Building |
46 Court Rd |
c 1912 |
WTH.45 |
Sullivan, Timothy House |
Building |
64 Court Rd |
c 1912 |
WTH.46 |
Chapman, George - Fitzgerald, Edwin House |
Building |
65 Court Rd |
c 1910 |
WTH.47 |
Fletcher, Melmon F. House |
Building |
77 Court Rd |
c 1910 |
WTH.48 |
Bertelsen, Jens - Burns, George House |
Building |
111 Court Rd |
c 1902 |
WTH.49 |
Curtin, David - Kiley, Harry House |
Building |
153 Court Rd |
c 1907 |
WTH.50 |
Lockhead, John - Magoon, Kenneth House |
Building |
239-241 Court Rd |
c 1907 |
WTH.51 |
Forsyth - Newton House |
Building |
258 Court Rd |
c 1900 |
WTH.52 |
Munroe - Dagget House |
Building |
265 Court Rd |
c 1920 |
WTH.53 |
Nichols, William N. House |
Building |
288 Court Rd |
c 1905 |
WTH.54 |
White - Reid House |
Building |
69 Cove Ave |
c 1883 |
WTH.58 |
Jenney Gas Station |
Building |
3-13 Crest Ave |
1935 |
WTH.55 |
Historial Narrative excerpt: "This building stands on land that was part of the City of Boston's lands during the 1870's and early 80's. Winthrop Directories indicate that this service station was built by the Jenney Manufacturing Company in 1935. Jenney Gas Stations are widely known in commercial archeological and vernacular architectural circles for the high quality of their design . Such a utilitarian/commercial buildings can be very plain if not unattractive and focused on function rather than style. Jenney Gas stations tend to inject a playful or picturesque or even delightfully formal note into iheir streetscapes....." |
Totman and Ham Confectionary Company |
Building |
52 Crest Ave |
c 1912 |
WTH.56 |
Historial Narrative excerpt: "50, 52 Crest Ave was built c.1912 on land that had been owned by the City of Boston during the 1870's and early 80's and by the 1890's was owned by the Winthrop Shore Land Co. The 1906 Atlas shows this lot as one of 4 contiguous lots owned by the aforementioned land company. Evidently the present commercial block was built c.1912 for the Totman and Ham Inc. Confectionary Company. This company was located at 478 Shirley Street in 1911 and is listed at 50 Crest Ave. by 19913. The 1914 Winthrop Atlas shows a rectangular building on this site owned by Boston saloon keeper and real estate speculator Jeremiah Green. He evidently leased this building to the confectionary company. Judging by the extensive advertisements for Totman and Ham in the local building directories this company was a major Winthrop enterprise. In 1916, Totman and Ham's directory add noted that this company was the "exclusive agents for Page and Shaw Candies, Home Made Candies, ice cream, catering etc." By 1918, the confectionary company shared this commercial block with the G.A.+P Tea Company. By 1924, Totman and Ham shared this building with a plumber and a hairdresser...." |
Neo Colonial cottage |
Building |
85 Crest Ave |
c 1930 |
WTH.291 |
Leighton - Worcester House |
Building |
93 Crest Ave |
c 1912 |
WTH.57 |
Deshon - Clerk - Bradley - Cardell House |
Building |
24 Dolphin Ave |
WTH.59 |
Crowley, Frank House |
Building |
33 Edge Hill Rd |
c 1917 |
WTH.60 |
Tierney, Mary E. House |
Building |
61 Edge Hill Rd |
c 1928 |
WTH.61 |
Belcher, Henry M. House |
Building |
15 Elmwood Ave |
c 1890 |
WTH.62 |
Allen, John G. House |
Building |
29 Elmwood Ave |
c 1890 |
WTH.63 |
Bacon, Willard M. House |
Building |
3 Elmwood Ct |
c 1913 |
WTH.64 |
Thompson, William House |
Building |
33 Emerson Rd |
c 1915 |
WTH.65 |
Almeda, Benjamin L. House |
Building |
48 Emerson Rd |
c 1913 |
WTH.66 |
Murphy, Jeremiah F. House |
Building |
45 Enfield Rd |
c 1928 |
WTH.67 |
Lythgoe, George Z. House |
Building |
23 Fairview Ave |
c 1880 |
WTH.68 |
Harrison, Roden S. House |
Building |
9 Floyd St |
c 1905 |
WTH.69 |
Modest vernacular two story hous |
Building |
45 Floyd St |
r 1925 |
WTH.290 |
Day - Burrill - Wadsworth - La Voix House |
Building |
35 Fremont St |
c 1860 |
WTH.70 |
Becker - Nickerson - Gibbons House |
Building |
100 Fremont St |
c 1892 |
WTH.71 |
Belcher - Bissell House |
Building |
11 George St |
r 1860 |
WTH.72 |
Davis - Sawyer House |
Building |
21 Grovers Ave |
r 1900 |
WTH.73 |
Highland School |
Building |
36 Grovers Ave |
1921 |
WTH.74 |
Joslin - Dews House |
Building |
79 Grovers Ave |
c 1900 |
WTH.75 |
Fales - Cottrell House |
Building |
97 Grovers Ave |
c 1895 |
WTH.77 |
Tibbetts, George W. House |
Building |
100 Grovers Ave |
1909 |
WTH.76 |
Root - Waldo House |
Building |
110 Grovers Ave |
c 1900 |
WTH.78 |
Modest bungalow |
Building |
33 Hale Ave |
c 1925 |
WTH.275 |
Somerby, Philip W. House |
Building |
35 Harbor View Ave |
c 1925 |
WTH.79 |
Hunter, Robert C. House |
Building |
51 Harbor View Ave |
r 1885 |
WTH.80 |
Vernacular Queen Anne/Shingle style house |
Building |
68 Harbor View Rd |
c 1885 |
WTH.289 |
McNeil - White House |
Building |
21 HaWTHorne Ave |
c 1890 |
WTH.81 |
Winthrop Junior High School |
Building |
40 Hermon St |
1925 |
WTH.82 |
Winthrop First Baptist Church |
Building |
60 Hermon St |
c 1872 |
WTH.83 |
Belcher - Strobeck House |
Building |
75 Hermon St |
c 1872 |
WTH.84 |
Belcher - Fish House |
Building |
87 Hermon St |
r 1880 |
WTH.85 |
Fish - Chase House |
Building |
100 Hermon St |
c 1889 |
WTH.86 |
Cross - Graham House |
Building |
144 Hermon St |
c 1875 |
WTH.87 |
Trio of two family houses |
Building |
170-172 Hermon St |
c 1912 |
WTH.88 |
Smith - Supple House |
Building |
2-4 Highland Ave |
c 1922 |
WTH.89 |
Quincy Avenue Path Stairway |
Building |
4 Highland Ave |
c 1890 |
WTH.904 |
Green - Benson House |
Building |
54 Highland Ave |
c 1900 |
WTH.90 |
Green, Jeremiah Stable |
Building |
78 Highland Ave |
c 1900 |
WTH.91 |
Green, Jeremiah House |
Building |
90 Highland Ave |
c 1890 |
WTH.92 |
Southwick - Hartshorn House |
Building |
111 Highland Ave |
c 1890 |
WTH.93 |
Whittaker - Hall - Penke House |
Building |
166 Highland Ave |
c 1912 |
WTH.94 |
Fiske - Stearns House |
Building |
46 Hillside Ave |
c 1912 |
WTH.96 |
Crossman, Albert P, House |
Building |
66 Hillside Ave |
c 1906 |
WTH.95 |
Tucker, Frank W. House |
Building |
5 Ingleside Ave |
r 1880 |
WTH.97 |
Ingalls - Belcher House |
Building |
15 Ingleside Ave |
r 1880 |
WTH.98 |
Ingalls, Dr. Samuel Mansion |
Building |
51 Ingleside Ave |
c 1865 |
WTH.99 |
Murray - Bulfinch - Hancock House |
Building |
15 Johnson Ave |
c 1912 |
WTH.100 |
Johnson - Knight House |
Building |
16 Johnson Ave |
c 1890 |
WTH.101 |
Turner - Day House |
Building |
80 Johnson Ave |
c 1895 |
WTH.102 |
Weston - Stoehr House |
Building |
86 Johnson Ave |
c 1894 |
WTH.103 |
Plath, Sylvia House |
Building |
92 Johnson Ave |
c 1925 |
WTH.104 |
Belcher - McLeod House |
Building |
19 Lewis Ave |
c 1900 |
WTH.105 |
Davison - Malone House |
Building |
5 Lincoln St |
c 1887 |
WTH.106 |
Davison, Charles V. House |
Building |
31 Lincoln St |
c 1899 |
WTH.107 |
Altered simple cottage |
Building |
83 Lincoln St |
c 1905 |
WTH.306 |
Donovan, Simon J. Apartments |
Building |
94 Lincoln St |
c 1913 |
WTH.108 |
Saint John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church |
Building |
223 Lincoln St |
1912 |
WTH.259 |
Queen Anne and Colonial Revival house |
Building |
25 Lincoln Terr |
c 1910 |
WTH.282 |
Pratt - Lewis House |
Building |
69 Locust St |
1881 |
WTH.109 |
Powers, William House |
Building |
94 Locust St |
c 1880 |
WTH.110 |
Cooper, William B. House |
Building |
107 Locust St |
c 1907 |
WTH.111 |
Queen Anne cottage |
Building |
132-134 Locust Way |
c 1885 |
WTH.294 |
Robinson - Crowley House |
Building |
43 Loring Rd |
c 1915 |
WTH.112 |
Chapman - Sawyer House |
Building |
82 Loring Rd |
c 1910 |
WTH.113 |
Simpson - Curran House |
Building |
90 Loring Rd |
c 1907 |
WTH.114 |
Harrington - Dwyer House |
Building |
96 Loring Rd |
c 1910 |
WTH.115 |
Snow, Howard D. House |
Building |
105 Loring Rd |
c 1912 |
WTH.116 |
Brown - Belcher House |
Building |
132 Loring Rd |
c 1912 |
WTH.117 |
Mahoney, William H. House |
Building |
90 Lowell Rd |
c 1904 |
WTH.118 |
New England Telephone and Telegraph Company |
Building |
20 Madison Ave |
c 1912 |
WTH.119 |
McCarthy - Lavoie House |
Building |
125 Main St |
c 1905 |
WTH.120 |
Johnson, Benjamin M. House |
Building |
129 Main St |
c 1895 |
WTH.121 |
Clisby, Benjamin W. House |
Building |
132 Main St |
c 1885 |
WTH.122 |
Historial Narrative excerpt: "#132 Main Street was built c.1885 for a family that evidently summered in the Ocean Spray section of Winthrop during the early 1880's and liked the town so much that they decided to live here during the entire year. Benjamin W. Clisby, carriage painter, is listed in the 1882 Chelsea/Winthrop Directory as a summer resident of Ocean Spray, living on Coral Avenue. His winter home is listed as 71 Marion street in East Boston and he worked at 173 Border Street in East Boston. ..." |
Crafts - Ginepra House |
Building |
135 Main St |
c 1894 |
WTH.123 |
Markey, Thomas J. House |
Building |
144 Main St |
c 1890 |
WTH.124 |
Historial Narrative excerpt: "Further research is needed on the early years of this house. It appears to have been built between 1887 and 1895...." |
Shanek, Henry F. House |
Building |
193 Main St |
c 1880 |
WTH.125 |
Schaeffer, J. Henry House |
Building |
195 Main St |
c 1894 |
WTH.126 |
Floyd, Edward House |
Building |
210 Main St |
1842 |
WTH.127 |
Historial Narrative excerpt: "210 Main Street has significant historical associations with Edward Floyd, one of the town of Winthrop's founding fathers and major local political figure during the mid 19th century. According to information gleaned from Winthrop Library files, this house was built in 1842 for Edward Floyd. This
house provides physical evidence of Winthrop in the early years of its bridge links with Orient Heights across Belle Isle Inlet at Main Street's western extremity. The General Court granted permission for this bridge's construction in 1835..." |
Smith - Grueby - Flye House |
Building |
303 Main St |
c 1877 |
WTH.128 |
Sullivan, Timothy D. House |
Building |
24 Maple Rd |
c 1901 |
WTH.129 |
Christian, Albert A. House |
Building |
29 Mermaid Ave |
c 1887 |
WTH.130 |
Winthrop Town Hall |
Building |
1 Metcalf Sq |
1928 |
WTH.131 |
Frost Public Library |
Building |
2 Metcalf Sq |
1898 |
WTH.132 |
U. S. Post Office - Winthrop Main Branch |
Building |
3 Metcalf Sq |
1932 |
WTH.133 |
Ridgeway - Ellis - Rourke House |
Building |
25 Moore St |
c 1905 |
WTH.134 |
Lull - Baron House |
Building |
19 Myrtle Ave |
c 1903 |
WTH.136 |
Simple bungalow |
Building |
53 Nahant Ave |
r 1915 |
WTH.279 |
Kelly, Catherine House |
Building |
85 Nahant Ave |
c 1920 |
WTH.137 |
Halford House |
Building |
164 Nahant Ave |
c 1910 |
WTH.138 |
Silverman - Cohen House |
Building |
22-24 Nevada St |
c 1917 |
WTH.139 |
Richardson, Albert House |
Building |
15 North Ave |
c 1883 |
WTH.140 |
Richardson - Woodman House |
Building |
33 North Ave |
c 1884 |
WTH.141 |
Ehrman - Briggs House |
Building |
10 Orlando Ave |
c 1900 |
WTH.142 |
Franklin, Lewis W. House |
Building |
14 Orlando Ave |
c 1900 |
WTH.143 |
Becker - Gibbey House |
Building |
30 Orlando Ave |
c 1900 |
WTH.144 |
Gardner, C. Russell House |
Building |
52 Orlando Ave |
c 1912 |
WTH.145 |
Cottage Park Yacht Club |
Building |
76 Orlando Ave |
1928 |
WTH.3 |
Craftsman style house |
Building |
77 Otis St |
c 1910 |
WTH.273 |
Winthrop Center Fire Station |
Building |
32 Pauline St |
1898 |
WTH.147 |
Newton, Edward B. School |
Building |
131 Pauline St |
1908 |
WTH.146 |
Sawyer, John L. House |
Building |
180 Pauline St |
c 1870 |
WTH.148 |
Cape Cod Cottage |
Building |
183 Pauline St |
c 1935 |
WTH.292 |
Modest Beach Cottage |
Building |
62 Pebble Ave |
c 1910 |
WTH.268 |
Garfield, Clara - Palmer, C. W. House |
Building |
40 Pico Ave |
c 1890 |
WTH.149 |
Atwood - Johnson, William H. House |
Building |
25 Pleasant St |
c 1871 |
WTH.150 |
Putnam, Henry - O'Toole, Timothy J. House |
Building |
34 Pleasant St |
c 1887 |
WTH.151 |
Corcoran - Roberts - Loukes House |
Building |
44 Pleasant St |
c 1912 |
WTH.152 |
Belcher, David - McDonald, Wilhelmina House |
Building |
124 Pleasant St |
c 1870 |
WTH.153 |
Pond, Mehitable - Williams, Charles House |
Building |
152 Pleasant St |
c 1887 |
WTH.154 |
Ide, Alice - Hewitt, Florence House |
Building |
163 Pleasant St |
c 1891 |
WTH.155 |
McDewell - Whitney - Jenkins House |
Building |
175 Pleasant St |
c 1893 |
WTH.156 |
Tewksbury, John B. House |
Building |
189 Pleasant St |
c 1887 |
WTH.157 |
Tewksbury, Albert N. House |
Building |
240 Pleasant St |
c 1885 |
WTH.158 |
Moody, Bernada - Baker, F. B. HHouse |
Building |
265 Pleasant St |
c 1887 |
WTH.159 |
Walker, Albert F. House |
Building |
274 Pleasant St |
c 1912 |
WTH.160 |
Tewksbury, John S. House |
Building |
282 Pleasant St |
c 1875 |
WTH.161 |
Greenerd, Josephine D. House |
Building |
304 Pleasant St |
c 1900 |
WTH.162 |
Kent, Gouvernor - McCarthy, Joseph House |
Building |
316 Pleasant St |
c 1894 |
WTH.163 |
Reval, E. S. - Byram, Edward House |
Building |
450 Pleasant St |
c 1875 |
WTH.164 |
Sawyer, Fannie - Bonzagni, Anthony House |
Building |
460 Pleasant St |
c 1909 |
WTH.165 |
Parker - Morrison - Jones House |
Building |
461 Pleasant St |
c 1890 |
WTH.166 |
Richardson, Lorenzo House |
Building |
466 Pleasant St |
c 1875 |
WTH.167 |
Mullroy, James J. House |
Building |
480 Pleasant St |
r 1880 |
WTH.168 |
Pleasant Park Yacht Club |
Building |
562 Pleasant St |
r 1955 |
WTH.169 |
Quimby, Josephine - Gaudet, Daley J. House |
Building |
20 Prospect Ave |
c 1880 |
WTH.170 |
Gem Theatre |
Building |
64 Putnam St |
1914 |
WTH.171 |
Wellington, Franklin S. House |
Building |
5 Quincy Ave |
c 1917 |
WTH.172 |
Terrille, Pietro House |
Building |
44 Quincy Ave |
c 1899 |
WTH.173 |
Chittendon, L. G. - Putnam, V. A. House |
Building |
65 Quincy Ave |
c 1890 |
WTH.174 |
Altered Second Empire house |
Building |
38 Read St |
r 1885 |
WTH.281 |
Butchart, Jonathan W. House |
Building |
212 River Rd |
c 1905 |
WTH.175 |
Von Betzen, John - Sisson, Israel House |
Building |
95 Sagamore Ave |
c 1900 |
WTH.176 |
Saratoga Street Bridge over Belle Isle Inlet |
Building |
Saratoga St |
1956 |
WTH.906 |
Young, Frederick P. House |
Building |
26 Sargent St |
c 1900 |
WTH.177 |
Campbell, Patrick - Carlton, Alfred House |
Building |
30 Sargent St |
c 1900 |
WTH.178 |
Craftsman style house |
Building |
76-78 Sargent St |
r 1900 |
WTH.308 |
Mayo, Samuel - McNeish, John House |
Building |
79 Sargent St |
c 1891 |
WTH.179 |
Grant, Charles - Coogan, John House |
Building |
85 Sargent St |
c 1889 |
WTH.180 |
Jones - Evans, Charles House |
Building |
91 Sargent St |
c 1885 |
WTH.181 |
Neal, John R. - Hatch, Charles House |
Building |
103 Sargent St |
c 1900 |
WTH.182 |
Frost, Morrill - Oburg, William F. - Haigh House |
Building |
125 Sargent St |
c 1880 |
WTH.183 |
White, E. J. Three Decker |
Building |
21 Sea Foam Ave |
c 1912 |
WTH.184 |
Mortimer, Minerva - Doucette, Raymond House |
Building |
143 Sewall Ave |
c 1915 |
WTH.185 |
Wright, Mary J. House |
Building |
14 Seymour St |
c 1904 |
WTH.186 |
Harrington, Luther T. Boat House |
Building |
Shirley St |
c 1900 |
WTH.193 |
Winthrop, Deane House |
Building |
34 Shirley St |
1675 |
WTH.302 |
DiCarlo Apartments |
Building |
93 Shirley St |
c 1912 |
WTH.187 |
Ford - Davis - Stone House |
Building |
189 Shirley St |
c 1884 |
WTH.188 |
Hatch, Charles L. House |
Building |
332 Shirley St |
r 1895 |
WTH.189 |
Winthrop Beach Fire Station |
Building |
422 Shirley St |
c 1900 |
WTH.190 |
Lewis Block |
Building |
483 Shirley St |
1898 |
WTH.191 |
White, Fannie F. House |
Building |
555 Shirley St |
c 1905 |
WTH.192 |
Victorian cottage |
Building |
595 Shirley St |
r 1905 |
WTH.283 |
Winthrop Yacht Club |
Building |
649 Shirley St |
1904 |
WTH.194 |
Rational Revival shingled house |
Building |
795 Shirley St |
c 1915 |
WTH.270 |
Extensively altered house |
Building |
1025 Shirley St |
c 1935 |
WTH.293 |
Point Shirley Congregational Church |
Building |
1032 Shirley St |
c 1910 |
WTH.272 |
Rational Revival style house |
Building |
1058 Shirley St |
c 1915 |
WTH.271 |
Sturgis, Samuel House |
Building |
7 Siren St |
1753 |
WTH.301 |
Altered Federal house |
Building |
35 Siren St |
r 1800 |
WTH.303 |
Hancock, John House |
Building |
49 Siren St |
c 1753 |
WTH.314 |
Colonial Revival block |
Building |
3-21 Somerset Ave |
r 1910 |
WTH.297 |
Poole, Frank - McCarthy, Frank House |
Building |
65 Somerset Ave |
c 1889 |
WTH.195 |
Campbell - Busey House |
Building |
75-77 Somerset Ave |
c 1900 |
WTH.196 |
Smith , Wilbur H. House |
Building |
88 Somerset Ave |
c 1891 |
WTH.197 |
Whorf, Harry House |
Building |
94 Somerset Ave |
c 1895 |
WTH.198 |
Folger, Horace W. House |
Building |
156 Somerset Ave |
c 1901 |
WTH.199 |
Bradbury - Newell - Gillespie House |
Building |
15 Summit Ave |
c 1883 |
WTH.200 |
Burleigh, Naron G. - Hennessey, Patrick House |
Building |
35 Summit Ave |
c 1891 |
WTH.201 |
Green, Jeremiah - Barbour, Frederick N. House |
Building |
45 Temple Ave |
c 1890 |
WTH.202 |
Palmer - Green - Ferdinand House |
Building |
63 Temple Ave |
c 1890 |
WTH.203 |
Schanzel, John - Merrill, Georgia House |
Building |
72 Temple Ave |
c 1912 |
WTH.204 |
Harrington, Luther T. House |
Building |
2 Terrace Ave |
c 1885 |
WTH.205 |
Snow, Edward Rowe House |
Building |
20 Terrace Ave |
c 1885 |
WTH.206 |
Brown, Frederick House |
Building |
119 Terrace Ave |
c 1883 |
WTH.207 |
Tewksbury Memorial Union Congregational Church |
Building |
26 Tewksbury St |
1889 |
WTH.208 |
Tewksbury, Hermon D. House |
Building |
15 Thornton Pk |
c 1892 |
WTH.209 |
Thornton Park Station |
Building |
17 Thornton Pk |
r 1880 |
WTH.299 |
Larkin, James - Kelso, James L. House |
Building |
34-36 Thornton Pk |
c 1898 |
WTH.210 |
Howes, Daniel - Chase, Frederick House |
Building |
40 Thornton Pk |
c 1896 |
WTH.211 |
Parker - Whitehead - Segal House |
Building |
47 Thornton Pk |
c 1890 |
WTH.212 |
Spofford, Charles S. House |
Building |
52 Thornton Pk |
c 1902 |
WTH.213 |
Hall, H. Dwight - Bigelow, Edmond L. House |
Building |
62 Thornton Pk |
c 1898 |
WTH.214 |
Colonial Revival cottage |
Building |
54 Townsend St |
c 1920 |
WTH.313 |
Harris, George A. - Plakias, George House |
Building |
28 Trident Ave |
c 1897 |
WTH.215 |
Bellevue Apartments |
Building |
34 Trident Ave |
c 1880 |
WTH.216 |
Dannon, C. - Getchel, A. C. House |
Building |
43 Trident Ave |
c 1886 |
WTH.217 |
Cottage |
Building |
30 Triton Ave |
c 1910 |
WTH.312 |
Cottage |
Building |
70 Triton Ave |
c 1890 |
WTH.311 |
House |
Building |
91-93 Triton Ave |
c 1909 |
WTH.284 |
House |
Building |
51 Undine Ave |
c 1890 |
WTH.310 |
Cottage |
Building |
121 Upland Rd |
c 1926 |
WTH.304 |
Baltzell - Brown - Klagge House |
Building |
30 Villa Ave |
c 1909 |
WTH.218 |
Bostrom, Anthony House |
Building |
27 Waldemar Ave |
c 1905 |
WTH.305 |
Colonial Revival and Craftsman style house |
Building |
70 Waldemar Ave |
r 1910 |
WTH.280 |
Freeman, Wilbert W. House |
Building |
15 Washington Ave |
c 1900 |
WTH.220 |
Bristol, Edgar S. House |
Building |
16 Washington Ave |
c 1905 |
WTH.222 |
Fuller, George F. House |
Building |
22 Washington Ave |
c 1904 |
WTH.221 |
Sweeney, George F. House |
Building |
25 Washington Ave |
c 1902 |
WTH.223 |
MacMurray, Arthur House |
Building |
27 Washington Ave |
c 1910 |
WTH.224 |
Dawson, Elmer E. House |
Building |
28 Washington Ave |
c 1898 |
WTH.225 |
McKie, William House |
Building |
35 Washington Ave |
c 1909 |
WTH.226 |
Hall, Harry L. House |
Building |
68 Washington Ave |
c 1905 |
WTH.227 |
Smith, S. S. - Pike, Charles P. House |
Building |
75 Washington Ave |
c 1890 |
WTH.228 |
Vaughan - Richardson, Maynard A. House |
Building |
81-83 Washington Ave |
r 1880 |
WTH.229 |
Kennedy, Patrick House |
Building |
97 Washington Ave |
c 1890 |
WTH.230 |
Burke, Thomas F. House |
Building |
105 Washington Ave |
c 1914 |
WTH.231 |
Tewksbury, George W. House |
Building |
106 Washington Ave |
r 1840 |
WTH.232 |
Davis, Samuel House |
Building |
132 Washington Ave |
c 1923 |
WTH.233 |
Buss, Edward A. House |
Building |
133 Washington Ave |
c 1898 |
WTH.234 |
Hutchinson, Charles C. - Flinn, Herbert G. House |
Building |
139 Washington Ave |
r 1890 |
WTH.235 |
Lewis, Orlando - Wright, William E. House |
Building |
156 Washington Ave |
c 1890 |
WTH.236 |
Elks Club No. 1078 |
Building |
191 Washington Ave |
1914 |
WTH.237 |
Washington Chambers Apartments |
Building |
229-241 Washington Ave |
c 1913 |
WTH.238 |
Tewksbury, S. H. House |
Building |
7 Washinton Ave |
c 1865 |
WTH.219 |
Gardner, William H. House |
Building |
40 Willow Ave |
c 1891 |
WTH.239 |
Winthrop Shore Drive |
Building |
Winthrop Shore Dr |
1899 |
WTH.909 |
Winthrop Shore Drive - Beacon Street Miter |
Building |
Winthrop Shore Dr |
1899 |
WTH.910 |
Winthrop Shore Drive - DAR Monument |
Building |
Winthrop Shore Dr |
1926 |
WTH.911 |
Trull, William - Mansfield House |
Building |
215 Winthrop Shore Dr |
c 1880 |
WTH.240 |
King, Cardino F. House |
Building |
114 Winthrop St |
c 1902 |
WTH.241 |
McCarthy, Dr. George D. - Douglass, George House |
Building |
142 Winthrop St |
c 1885 |
WTH.243 |
May, J. N. - Seavey, Charles T. House |
Building |
158 Winthrop St |
r 1865 |
WTH.244 |
Winthrop First Church of Christ Scientist |
Building |
167 Winthrop St |
1930 |
WTH.245 |
Metcalf, Dr. Ben Hicks House |
Building |
170 Winthrop St |
c 1895 |
WTH.246 |
Belcher, D. W. - Soule, Margaret L. House |
Building |
180 Winthrop St |
c 1890 |
WTH.247 |
Winthrop Masonic Hall |
Building |
198 Winthrop St |
1892 |
WTH.248 |
Wadsworth Building |
Building |
214-224 Winthrop St |
c 1890 |
WTH.249 |
First Methodist Church of Winthrop |
Building |
217 Winthrop St |
1930 |
WTH.250 |
Freeman, Edward S. House |
Building |
233 Winthrop St |
c 1883 |
WTH.251 |
Belcher, Samuel House |
Building |
257 Winthrop St |
r 1790 |
WTH.252 |
Soule, Dr. Horatio S. House |
Building |
272 Winthrop St |
1881 |
WTH.253 |
Belcher, George C. - Peck, Herbert House |
Building |
278 Winthrop St |
r 1830 |
WTH.254 |
Belcher, George C. - Thompson, Brownlow House |
Building |
286 Winthrop St |
1852 |
WTH.255 |
White, Charles N. - Parker, Riley Herbert House |
Building |
291 Winthrop St |
c 1870 |
WTH.256 |
Vanderhoof, Albert House |
Building |
319 Winthrop St |
r 1875 |
WTH.257 |
Belcher, Wilbur F. House |
Building |
329 Winthrop St |
r 1875 |
WTH.258 |
Day, Charles H. House |
Building |
350 Winthrop St |
c 1885 |
WTH.260 |
Johnson, Sarah - Maloney, Margaret House |
Building |
355 Winthrop St |
c 1885 |
WTH.261 |
Dane, Thomas L. House |
Building |
427 Winthrop St |
c 1912 |
WTH.262 |
Commercial/Residential building |
Building |
36 Woodside Ave |
r 1920 |
WTH.296 |
Combination of Gambrel and Four-square house |
Building |
80 Woodside Ave |
r 1915 |
WTH.286 |
Greene, John F. House |
Building |
118 Woodside Ave |
c 1910 |
WTH.263 |
Crowe, John E. House |
Building |
4 Woodside Pk |
c 1885 |
WTH.264 |
Wood - Ward - Midgely House |
Building |
9 Woodside Pk |
c 1884 |
WTH.265 |
Thompson, Richard H. House |
Building |
16 Woodside Pk |
c 1885 |
WTH.266 |
Wood - Crosby - Thompson House |
Building |
20 Woodside Pk |
c 1885 |
WTH.267 |