2 Shirley St. |
Now |
2 - Energy To Go - Citgo - 2005 |
2 - Honey Dew Donuts - 2006 |
Earlier |
2 - Subway - 2012-2014 |
2 - Bolsters Service Inc. (Shell) - 1972-2001 |
2 - Slater's Shell Service - 1957 |
2 - Safeway Roofing - 1954 |
2 - Barney & Howard Filling Station - 1947 |
2 - Hayes Filling Station - 1936-1942 |
2 - Rood's Filling Station - 1931 |
2 - Rambler Tea Room - 1918 |
2 - W. D. Clark Lumber - 1916 |
92 Shirley St. |
Now |
92 - Converted |
Earlier |
92 - Pages Bookstore - 1995 |
92 - George's Delicatessen - 1967-1976 |
92 - Nathan Frank Grocer - 1918-1947 |
92 - B. F. Healy Groceries - 1916 |
120 Shirley St. - Current building: 1960 |
Now |
120 - Expert Auto Repair Inc. - 1996 |
Earlier |
120 - U-Haul - 1994 |
120 - Surf Taxi - 1972-1976 |
120 - Viking Taxi - 1967 |
120 - Bernard J. Basch & Sons Automotive Service - 1956-1986 |
120-124 - Max Katz Furniture - 1936-1947 |
118 - Bernard J. Basch & Sons Automotive Service - 1942 |
122 - John's Radio & Television - 1954-1955 |
122 - S. Exelbirt Tailor - 1916 |
130-138 Shirley St. - Built: 1900 |
Now |
132 - Tony's Cleaners & Laudromat - 1996 |
Earlier |
130 - Seacoast Realty - 1967 |
130-134 - Lubin's Grocery Store - 1936-1947 |
130 - J. S. Land Druggist - 1918 |
132 - Dolphin Realty - 1972-1976 |
132 - George Wong Laundry - 1916-1918 |
134 - Problem Solving Systems - 1972 |
134 - Winthrop Shoe Hospital - 1916 |
134 - F. Borello Hairdresser - 1916-1918 |
Earlier |
136 - T&P Sportsmens Club - 1972 |
136 - LaVana Cigar Mfg. Co. - 1929 |
136 - B. Daniels Tailor - 1916 |
138 - Rosa's Variety - 1994 |
138 - A.J. Deli - Market - 1986 |
138 - Cee Mor Tours In. - 1975-1976 |
138 - Travalot Ltd. - 1972 |
138 - Paris Tailoring - 1929 |
138 - A.J. Deli - Market - 1986 |
138 - Cee Mor Tours In. - 1975-1976 |
135 Shirley St. - Current building: 1920 |
Now |
135 - Frontline Auto Sales & Detailing - 2000 |
135 - C. A. Kennedy Co. Accountant - 2006 |
Earlier |
135 - A.J.'s Sub Stop - 1994-1996 |
135 - Andiamo Hair Design - 1980-1986 |
135 - Ann Arthur's Beauty Salon - 1967-1976 |
135 - Ocean Spray Spa - 1942-1947 |
135 - Ocean Spray Drugstore - 1929-1936 |
135 - Emery Sears Barber - 1906 |
137-145 Shirley St. - Current building: 2000 |
Now |
? |
Earlier |
137 - Aiello Construction - 1984-1986 |
137 - New England Traffic Signals - 1967-1994 |
137-139 - Daily Cleansers - C. Karas - 1939-1957 |
137 - Ciampa's Café - 1936 |
137 - Peter Lampasonia Barber - 1929 |
137 - H. O. Thomas Real Estate, Insurance - 1916 |
139 - Hee Yee Laundry - 1929-1936 |
143 - Lawrence Scandone Shoe Repair - 1929-1947 |
145 - Hee Yee Laundry - 1942 |
145 - Lillian Mullen Dry Goods - 1929 |
142-144 Shirley St. - Built: 1880 |
Now |
142 - Converted |
144 - Converted |
Earlier |
142 - Mrs. Davis Hand Laundry - 1936-1947 |
144 - Michael's Hair Stylists - 1972-1975 |
144 - Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. - 1929-1936 |
144 - Ocean Spray Cash Market - 1916-1918 |
147 Shirley St. - Current building: 1988 |
Now |
147 - Jim's Auto Body - 1996 |
Earlier |
147 - J&J Auto Sales - 1996 |
147 - Hamey's Barber Shop - 1947 |
147 - Melillo Gabriele's Barber Shop - 1929-1947 |
152 Shirley St. - Built: 1903 |
Now |
152 - Simon's Winthrop Yavneh Bookstore - L. Fitch - 1984 |
Earlier |
152 - Ocean Spray Delicatessen - 1936-1972 |
152 - M. Bean Laundry - 1916 |
154 - B. Daniels Tailor - 1918 |
154 - M. Mazman Shoe Repair - 1916 |
155, 157 Shirley St. |
169 Shirley St. |
Earlier |
155 - Angelo Merola Shoe Repair - 1929 |
157 - Peoples Credit Union - 1929 |
Earlier |
169 - Shirley Shoppe, Gaybe Maries Outlet - 1984 |
169 - Kagan's Service Garage/Auto Parts - 1967-1976 |
169 - Sarver Service Station - 1947 |
169 - Eddie's Service Station - 1942 |
169 - Bernard Basch Service Station - 1936 |
169 - East Boston Coal Co. Filling Station - 1929 |
191-197 Shirley St. |
Earlier |
191 - Bernard Basch & Sons Auto Repair - 1947 |
191-197 - Empire Garage - 1929-1936 |
191 - Rose Auto - 1929 |
195 - New Empire Theatre - 1916 |
213-217 Shirley St. |
Earlier |
213 - Louie's Market - 1942 |
213 - Hyman Goldberg Provisions - 1929-1936 |
215 - Constitution Alleys - T. Marshall - 1906-1921 |
217 - J. R. Brown Bakery - 1906 |
229-241 Shirley St. |
253, 263 Shirley St. |
Earlier |
229A - Nat's Package Store - 1972-1975 |
231 - H. Berliner Tailor - 1916 |
231 - Margaret Hayes Clothes - 1906 |
241 - Simon Ehrlich Grocer - 1929-1936 |
Earlier |
253 - Bodkin's Creamery - 1936 |
253 - Issac Ostrovitch Grocery - 1929 |
263 - New York Cash Creamery - 1942-1947 |
267, 269 Shirley St. - Built: 1910 |
Now |
267, 269 - Converted |
Earlier |
267 - Louis Market - 1947 |
267 - Lane's Upholstery - 1942-1947 |
267 - A. Karras Groceries - 1916 |
269 - Helping Hands Housekeeping - 1996 |
269 - Fannie Lerner Dry Goods - 1929 |
269 - A. L. Jones Hand Laundry - 1916 |
275, 277 Shirley St. |
279, 281, 283 Shirley St. |
Earlier |
275 - Rabinovitz's Grocery - 1929 |
275 - Gersh Max's Barber Shop - 1929-1936 |
277 - Mendel's Market - 1936-1947 |
277 - Henry's Variety - 1942 |
Earlier |
279 - Shirley Variety - 1936 |
279 - M. Winer & Co. Groceries - 1929 |
279 - William Score's Tailor Shop - 1929 |
279 - Max Slater Restaurant - 1916 |
281-283 - Du-Rite Cleansers - 1947 |
281-283 - M Winer & Co. Grocer - 1936-1942 |
281 - Abraham Rudzinsky Delicatessen - 1929 |
281 - Drooker & Fleishman Meat Market - 1916 |
291 Shirley St. |
Now |
291 - D&T Market - 2006 |
Earlier |
291 - Baron's United National Super Market - 1975-1996 |
291 - National "D" Stores - S. Baron - 1947-1953 |
291 - Willie's Market - 1942 |
291 - Rubin Gilman Provisions - 1929 |
291 - F. Sarno Shoe Repair - 1916 |
295-309 Shirley St. |
1940s |
1950 |
295 Shirley St. |
Now |
295 - Converted |
Earlier |
295 - National "D" Stores - S. Baron - 1936-1942 |
295 - Max Liberman Groceries - 1929 |
295 - P. Swartz Groceries - 1916 |
299-303 Shirley St. - Built: 1900 |
Now |
299 - Terri's Little Pumpkins II - 1994 |
Earlier |
299 - Winthrop Cycle Shop, Inc. - 1985 |
299 - Martin Upholstery - 1975 |
299 - William Score's Tailor Shop - 1952-1972 |
299 - Nathan Goldberg Delicatessen (Nat's) - 1929-1947 |
299 - Samuel Kaplan Produce - 1929 |
299 - Belcher Brothers Fish Market - 1916 |
301 - Kaplow's Creamery - 1942-1953 |
301 - Henry Gallin Variety - 1942 |
301 - Beach Credit Union - 1942-1947 |
301 - Rabinovitz's Grocery - 1936 |
301 - M. Brown & Sons Groceries - 1929 |
303 - Kaufman's Kosher Meat Market - 1972-1984 |
303 - Appel's & Kaufman's Kosher Meat Market - 1967 |
303 - Willie's Kosher Market - 1947-1952 |
303 - Fishel's Meat Market - 1936-1942 |
303 - Winthrop Meat Market - 1929 |
303 - Samuel Burnstein Dry Goods - 1929 |
303 - S. Barrant Tailor - 1916 |
305-309 Shirley St. - Built: 1900 |
Now |
305-309 - Streeter Plumbing and Heating - 1977 |
Earlier |
305 - Strictly Tabu - 1997-1999 |
305 - Fulton Egg Co. - 1975 |
305 - Kaplow's Creamery - 1936 |
305 - Henry's Market - 1929 |
305 - F. Wong Laundry - 1916 |
307 - Ceder's Fruit Store - 1947 |
307 - Kind's Dry Goods - 1942 |
307 - Golden Bell Cleaners - 1936-1942 |
307 - Joseph Bercovitz Grocer - 1929 |
309 - ASAP Drains - 1996 |
309 - Pearl's Bakery - 1947-1952 |
309 - Harry Zak Bakery - 1936 |
309 - Thomas Davis Tailor - 1929 |
309 - S. Marenghi Shoe Repair - 1916 |
309 - Edna Gillen Bakerry - 1916 |
311-313 Shirley St. - Built: 1884 |
Now |
311 - Bella Pelle Skin Care - 2014 |
Earlier |
311 - Winthrop Holistic Center - 2010 |
311 - Elkin's Beach Radio & Television - 1967-1976 |
311 - Adolf Blumenthal Dry Goods - 1916-1947 |
313 - 134 Newbury St. - 2014 |
313 - Fran & Howies Dellarama - 1972 |
313 - Fredman's Delicatessen - 1942-1947 |
313 - Gold's Delicatessen - 1936 |
313 - Abraham Tilton Delicatessen - 1931 |
313 - Samuel Isenstein Delicatessen - 1929 |
313 - Hyman Flaxman Delicatessen - 129 |
315-319 Shirley St. - Built: 1884 |
Now |
315 - Oceanside Pilates & Yoga - 2012 |
319 - Elite Embroidery - 2006 |
319A - Suds 'N Surf Laundromat - 2007 |
Earlier |
315 - Body in Sync - 2009-2010 |
315 - G&T Pizza & Sub Shop - 1986 |
315 - Fishel's Winthrop Kosher Market - 1947 |
317 - Celebrity (Harry's) Vending Corp. - 1984-2000 |
317 - B&A Markets - 1975 |
317 - Fishel's Winthrop Kosher Market - 1967-1975 |
317 - Baron's United National Super Market - 1967-1972 |
317 - Winthrop Food Land - 1957 |
317R - North Shore Pump & Motor Service - 2010-2012 |
319 - Show-Offs Hair - 1984-1986 |
319 - Roosevelt Beauty Shoppe - 1951-1976 |
319A - David's Laundry Service - 1986 |
319A - Marion's Launder-It - 1967-1984 |
321-325 Shirley St. - Built: 1920 |
Now |
321 - Designs By Cesar - 2007 |
Earlier |
321 - Copley Chemical - 2000 |
321 - Viking Oil Co. - 1986-1992 |
321 - Ocean Meat Market - 1947 |
321 - Playstead Pharmacy - 1942 |
323 - Community Bake Shop - 1947 |
323 - Liverman Bake Shop - 1942 |
325 - 134 Newbury St. - 2006 |
325 - J&J Oil - 1986 |
325 - Eye of the Tiger - A. Palladino - 1985 |
325 - Ocean Meat Market - 1967-1986 |
325A - Max's Barber & Beauty Shop - 1942-1947 |
327 - Harry's Bake Shop - 1936-1942 |
327 - Higer's Market - 1931 |
327A - R&S Antique Shop - 1942 |
328 Shirley St. |
Now |
328 - Converted |
Earlier |
328 - Mike's Barber Shop - 1952 |
328 - Jim's Barber Shop - 1936-1947 |
328 - Playstead Hardware - 1929-1931 |
328 - C. L. Hatch Grocer - 1916 |
329-331 Shirley St. |
Now |
329 - Converted |
Earlier |
329 - Mutual Flooring Contractors - 1994-2000 |
329 - Playstead Pharmacy - G. Greenstein - 1947-1972 |
329 - Abraham Ceder Produce - 1929 |
329A - Morris Paull Shoe Repair - 1942 |
329B - Playstead Beauty Shop - 1942-1947 |
331 - Louie's Market - 1952-1967 |
331 - Levy Brothers Fruit - 1947 |
331 - William's Restaurant - 1931-1936 |
333-343 Shirley St. - Built: 1920 |
Now |
Earlier |
335 - AMVETS Post No. 48 - 1972-2015 |
333 - Morris Paull Shoe Repair - 1947 |
333 - Hurwitz Shoe Repair - 1942 |
333 - Winthrop Shoe HospitaL - 1929-1933 |
335 - Freda's Beauty Parlor - 1934 |
335 - John Giordans Tailor - 1931 |
337 - Peoples Credit Union - 1931 |
339-341 - Kum-in-Spa - 1947-1948 |
339-341 - Jaydee's Drug Sundries - 1936-1942 |
343 - Harry Shafer Delicatessen - 1929 |
345 Shirley St. - Built: 1920 |
Now |
345 - |
Earlier |
345 - Arts & Crafts Depot - |
345 - Louie's Market - 1972-1996 |
345 - Harry's Market - H. Covitz - 1942-1966 |
345 - Dolphin's Market - 1936 |
345 - H. Shafer Grocer - 1916 |
357 Shirley St. |
Now |
357 - Ward Marine - 1986 |
Earlier |
347 - Maiolino's Barber Shop - 1956-1976 |
347-349 - N. Y. Chain Store Dry Goods - 1931-1947 |
347 - Playstead Hardware - 1929 |
347 - J. Davis Lunch - 1916 |
349 - IMG Disposal - 1986 |
349 - Eileen's Beauty Salon - 1975-1975 |
349 - M. T. Fogel Real Estate and Insurance - 1967 |
349 - U. G. Hardy Laundry - 1916 |
351 - Northeast Sailboard - 1984-1986 |
351 - Al's Kosher Market - 1942-1972 |
351-353 - Fannie Bramson Provisions - 1931-1936 |
351 - J. Kranetz Tailor - 1916 |
353 - Tastette Shop - 1952 |
353 - Lewis Electric Sales - 1947 |
353 - Al's Fruit Store - 1931 |
355 - Eli Hurwitz Shoe Repair - 1931-1936 |
355 - Crest Real Estate - 1916 |
357 - Martin Upholstery - 1972 |
357 - Bonded Foods - 1947 |
357 - M Winer & Co. Grocer - 1929-1942 |
357 - O. Herman Provisions - 1916 |
403 Shirley St. - Built: 1920 |
Now |
403 - Converted |
Earlier |
403 - Mrs. Chas. Totten Candy Kitchen - 1916 |
413-415 Shirley St. |
Now |
413, 415 - |
Earlier |
413 - Tiger DoJo - 2007-2011 |
413-415 - Massa Flooring Co. Inc. - 2006 |
413-415 - Boats & Motors - 1996 |
415 - Quality Construction & Renovation - 2011 |
415 - Gilberg’s Roofing Company |
415 - SHL Contracting - 2007 |
415 - General Ambulance Service - 2006 |
415 - Gragnano Importing Co. - 1967 |
415 - Winthrop Dream Theater (State) - 1926-1947 |
423, 425 Shirley St. |
429, 431, 433 Shirley St. |
Earlier |
423 - Harry's Variety Store - 1936 |
423 - Hyman's Store - 1931 |
425 - Jewish Civic League - 1936 |
425 - Winthrop Furniture Warehouse - 1929 |
425 - Winthrop Casino - 1916 |
425 - J. T. Connor Grocery - 1916 |
Earlier |
429 - M. Abramovitz Tailor - 1916 |
431 - Empire Bowlaway - 1931 |
433 - The New Winthrop Bowling Alleys - 1931-1954 |
435 - Lessard's Market Groceries - 1947-1949 |
435 - Promisel's Grocery - 1942 |
435 - Empire Hotel - 1929 |
435 - Casino Bowling Alleys/Winthrop Beach Dance Hall - 1916-1921 |
447 Shirley St. |
Now |
447 - Clothes Encounters - 2008 |
Earlier |
447 - Harold Greenfield Physcian - 1947 |
447 - Winthrop Oil Co. - 1936 |
447 - Lindsey's Service Station - 1936 |
447 - Pete's Filling Station - 1931 |
447 - George Howatt Filling Station - 1929 |
454 Shirley St. |
Now |
454 - Converted |
Earlier |
454-458 - Winthrop Beach Pharmacy/Drug Co. - 1916-1942 |
462 Shirley St. - Built: 1870 |
Earlier |
462 - 435 Shirley St. Realty Trust - 2010-2014 |
462 - Kids Curtain Call Theatrical Musicals, Drama - 1987 |
462 - The Rosalee Shoppe Fashions - 1957 |
462 - Miriam Coiffures - M. Asnin - 1949 |
462 - Elmer's Delicatessen - 1948 |
462 - Irv's Deli - 1947 |
462 - Miller's Shoe Store - 1942 |
462 - The Morris Shoe Store - 1929-1936 |
462A - The Gray Dry Goods Shoppe - 1929-1936 |
464-478 Shirley St. |
1934 |
1934 |
Now |
472 - Shirley True Value Hardware Co. - 1916- |
Earlier |
464 - Viking Taxi - 2000-2010 |
464 - Samuel Smith Tailor - 1936-1952 |
464 - A. J. Young Real Estate & Insurance - 1916 |
466 - Princeton Carpets of Winthrop - 1975 |
466 - William F. Magee & Sons Builders - 1972 |
466 - The Friendly Card Shop - 1947-1948 |
466-468 - Phil's Delicatessen - 1936 |
468 - Sing Lee Laundry - 1916 |
470 - The Work Box - Shirt Hospital - 1929 |
470 - Burton Gibson Restaurant - 1916 |
476 - Eagle Tailors - Samuel Smith - 1916-1921 |
476-478 - Winthrop Drug Co. - I. H. Rems Pharmacist - 1934-1942 |
476 - Morris Schwartz Physician - 1929-1931 |
478 - Winthrop Cut Rate Shop - 1947 |
478 - Winthrop Candy Shop and Resturant - Spanos Bros. - 1923-1931 |
478 - Totman & Ham General Variety - 1916 |
467 Shirley St. |
Now |
467 - D'Parma Ristorante - 2000 |
Earlier |
467 - Brill's Radio & Television - 1951-1986 |
467A - Dad's Lunch - 1936 |
467B - Winthrop News Co. - 1931-1936 |
467A - Beacon Press Printers - 1929 |
467A - W. G. Twinning Laundry - 1916-1929 |
467 - Mrs. Totten's Ice Cream - 1921 |
467 - Charles Totten Barber Shop - 1916-1942 |
467B - Depot Lunch - 1916 |
475 Shirley St. |
Now |
475 - Manizales Auto - 2011 |
Earlier |
475 - Barbuto's Auto Repair - 1996 |
475 - Belle Isle Automotive - 1984 |
475 - Rock's Service Station - 1967-1976 |
475 - Bill's Amoco Service - 1947 |
475 - Reardon's Amoco Service - 1942 |
480-484 Shirley St. |
Now |
480 - Hi-Tide Restaurant - 1980 |
482-484 - Twist & Shake - 2009 |
Earlier |
480 - J.W. Stover Drugstore - 1912 |
482 - Zoe's Haven Gifts, Tanning - 2001-2004 |
482 - Brill's Radio & Television - 1947-1950 |
482 - Anna Glass Furniture - 1936 |
482 - Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. - 1929 |
482 - Harry Edovitz Tailor - 1929 |
484 - Great International and National Travel Inc. - 1984-1990 |
484 - Barbara's Card & Gift Shop - 1967-1972 |
484 - Charlie Sing Laundry - 1942 |
484 - Winthrop Beach Shoe Repair - 1919-1931 |
477-487 Shirley St. |
Now |
477-487 - Converted |
Earlier |
477 - Delby's Spa - 1951-1972 |
477 - Beach Spa - 1947-1948 |
477 - Ham's Confectionery - 1929-1942 |
477 - J. W. Elword Grocer - 1916 |
483 - Mrs. C. M. Walker Massage - 1916 |
485 - Beach Radio - 1947 |
485 - Carl Halvorsen Delicatessen - 1929-1936 |
485 - I. J. Grover Millinery - 1916-1921 |
487- Adrian's Cleansers & Dyers - 1947 |
487- Herman's Market - 1921-1939 |
490 Shirley St. |
Now |
490 - Quick Food Convenience Store - 2005 |
Earlier |
490 - Winthrop Shoppers Market and Deli - 1998-2000 |
490 - Prime Market and Deli - 1988-1994 |
490 - IGA Super Market - 1957-1987 |
490 - Pioneer Food Store - J. F. Forbes, G. H. Lamont - 1944-1942 |
490 - Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. - 1931-1936 |
490 - Conti Brothers Groceries (Mario) - 1931-1936 |
490 - Winthrop Fruit Store - 1916 |
491 Shirley St. |
Now |
491 - Quick Food Convenience Store - 2005 |
Earlier |
491 - Mario Conti Produce - 1929-1947 |
491 - Winthrop Quay Hall - 1920 |
491 - Winthrop Beach, Bert Ayers Bowling Alleys, Billiards - 1916-1929 |
495, 497 Shirley St. |
Now |
495 - Alia Ristorante - 2008 |
497 - John's Barber Shop - 2000 |
Earlier |
495 - Crystal Cove Café - 2000-2006 |
495 - Papa Luigi's Restaurant - 1994 |
495 - Winthrop Bait & Tackle - 1984-1987 |
495 - Bob's Bait Service - 1975-1976 |
495 - Sidney Craft Dry Goods - 1967 |
495 - Miller Shoe Store - 1945-1947 |
495 - Gray Shoppe - 1942 |
495 - Beach Restaurant - 1936 |
495 - Creedon's Restaurant - 1931 |
495 - Pick's Dining Room - 1927-1929 |
495 - Creedon's Bakery - 1920 |
495 - J. R. Brown Bakery - 1916 |
497 - Omar's Barbershop - 1958 |
497 - Harry Edovitz Tailor - 1942-1947 |
497 - D. Crovitz Tailoring - 1921 |
497 - M. Bornstein Tailor - 1920 |
503 Shirley St. |
Now |
503 - Rustic Table - 2014 |
Earlier |
503 - Gary's Crystal Cove Grill & Seafood - 2006-2010 |
503 - Papa Luigi's Restaurant - 2000 |
503 - Villaggio Ristorante - 1994 |
503 - Grunin's Delicatessen - 1936-1986 |
503 - Grunin's Dry Goods - 1929 |
503 - W. W. Noyes Hairdresser - 1916 |
505, 509 Shirley St. |
Now |
505, 509 - Converted |
Earlier |
505 - Silhouette Beauty Salon - 1936 |
505 - Henry Kofman Tailor - 1929-1931 |
505 - The Willows Tea Room - K. Haslam - 1921 |
505 - C. W. Matthews Tailor - 1916 |
509 - Viking Custom Tailors/One-stop Cleaners - 1967-1972 |
509 - Serv-A-Self (Herman's Market) - 1942-1949 |
509 - Allen's Market - 1934-1939 |
509 - Blue Bell Candy Co. - 1931 |
509 - Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. - 1916 |
511, 513, 515, 517 Shirley St. |
519, 521, 523, 525, 527 Shirley St. |
Earlier |
511 - Charles Hennesey Upholsery - 1936-1942 |
511 - The Canteen Restaurant - 1931 |
511 - Julia Creedon Bakery - 1929 |
511 - Crystal Bay Custom Laundry - 1916 |
513 - Abrams & Paisner Plumber - 1936 |
513 - Sam Fish Upholsterer - 1931 |
515 - Shirley Street Fish Market - 1949-1955 |
515 - Ralph's Fish Market - 1947-1948 |
515 - Winthrop Beach Fish Market - 1936 |
515 - Economy Grocery Stores - 1929-1936 |
517 - Thomas J. Foley Barber - 1936-1947 |
517 - Peter Kuhn Cigars - 1929 |
Earlier |
519 - Beach Laundry - 1947 |
519 - P. H. Gaffny Furniture - 1929 |
519 - J. Creedon Bakery - 1916 |
521 - Liberty Meat Market/Provisions - 1947 |
521 - Charles Willis Provisions - 1929 |
521 - J. Bertolami Shoe Repair - 1916 |
523 - W. E. Meryman Fish Market - 1929-1931 |
523 - Winthrop Meat Shop - 1916 |
525 - Art Craft Shoppe - J. H. Walton - 1934 |
525 - Rivers Brothers Grocers - 1923 |
527 - Liberty Market - 1957 |
527 - Ferguson Repair Shop - 1920-1921 |
527 - M. O'Keefe Grocery - 1916 |
516-530 Shirley St. |
Now |
522 - Osaka Lucky Garden Restaurant - 2006 |
526 - Saanti Yoga - 2015 |
530 - By the Sea Liquors - 2012 |
Earlier |
516 - Subac Underwater Cement - 2010-2014 |
516 - Gallery Dupree - 2006 |
516 - Popcorn Video - 1994 |
516 - Crystal Cove Marina - 1986 |
516 - National Window Shade Mfg. Co. - 1972-1976 |
518 - All Star Cards - 1996 |
518 - Curtin Realty - 1986 |
518 - First National Stores - 1929-1942 |
520 - Henry Kofman Tailor - 1936 |
520 - Modern Dress Making Shoppe - 1929-1931 |
520 - N. Rottenberg Tailor - 1916 |
522 - Crystal Cove Seafood - 1996 |
522 - Betty's Beauty Salon - 1936-1986 |
522 - Eureka Bobbing Shop - 1929-1931 |
522 - Crystal Bay Laundry - 1916 |
524 - Arco Home Products - 1972 |
524-530 - William's Market - 1942 |
524 - Winthrop Printing - 1936 |
526 - American Agency Systems - 2012-2014 |
526 - George Panagakos Photography - 2010 |
526 - Benji's Place - 1982-2006 |
526 - The Food Shop - 1916 |
528 - Murph's Liquors - 2006 |
528 - William's Package Store - 1972-1976 |
528-530 - William's Market (Cohen's Groceries) - 1920-1931 |
530 - William's Package Store - 2000 |
530 - Burn's Market - 1916 |
529-545 Shirley St. |
Now |
529 - Crystal Cove Marina - 1967 |
531 - Curtin Realty - 2011 |
533 - Carl Bettano Yacht Sales - 2014 |
541 - Bartolo's Boxing Club - 2011 |
547 - Marine Canvas - 2012 |
Earlier |
529 - Curtin Realty - 1996 |
529 - Camelot Marine - 1986 |
529 - Smith Small Business Forms - 1956-1986 |
529 - Brewer Petroleum Service - 1942 |
529 - Winthrop Yacht & Supply Co. - 1916 |
531 - Metcalf & Fine Auto - 1942 |
531 - Winthrop Motor Mart - 1936 |
531-539 - Beacon Garage - 1916-1931 |
541 - Domino's Pizza - 1988-1990 |
541 - International Navigation Corp. - 1976 |
541 - Winthrop Sailboat Rental - 1975 |
541 - Burgess Printing Co. - 1975-1984 |
541 - Fix-it Shop - 1947 |
541 - Abaham Cohen Tailor - 1931-1942 |
541 - Erny Garafano - 1929 |
541 - I. B. Paul Tailor - 1916 |
541 - C. E. Eskrigge Garage - 1916 |
543 - Winthrop Shoe Repair - 1929-1947 |
543 - Cottage Hill Market - 1916 |
543 - C. E. Chiusano Shoe Repair - 1916 |
545 - C&P Tailors - 1947 |
545-547 - Simson's Market - 1920-1942 |
549 Shirley St. |
Now |
549 - Crystal Cove Marina Service - 2011 |
Earlier |
549 - Action Mobile Marine Inc. - 1996-2010 |
549 - Wally's Yacht Service - 1987-1994 |
549 - Daves Variety Store - 1942-1947 |
549 - Al's Variety Store - 1936 |
549 - Benjamin Weinberg Variety - 1931 |
559-563 Shirley St. |
Now |
559 - Cove Convenience - 2006 |
561 - Millie's Kitchen - 2014 |
563 - Shoreside Laundry - 2007 |
Earlier |
557-559 - O'Neil's Variety Store - 1936-1972 |
557 - New Deal Tailoring - 1936 |
559 - Pete's Pizza Plus - 1999-2000 |
559 - Ship's Gallery - 1984 |
559 - Grocer-Man's Food Store - 1984-1989 |
561 - Panini's Restaurant - 2006-2014 |
561 - Kailua Hawaiian Restaurant - 1984-1986 |
565 - Bill's Café - 1936 |
567 - Mohawk Laundry - 1942 |
567 - Crystal Cove Lunch - 1936 |
567 - J. Bowers Grocery - 1931 |
567 - A. Cohen Tailor - 1920-1929 |
567 - Sing Lee Chinese Laundry - 1916 |
569, 571 Shirley St. |
575, 579 Shirley St. |
Earlier |
569 - The Harmony Spot - 1942-1947 |
569 - G. F. Bower's Market - 1934 |
569 - Edith Weymouth Grocery - 1929 |
571 - Harrington's Laundry - 1929-1931 |
Earlier |
575 - Beacon Restaurant - 1947 |
575 - Winthrop Cash Market - 1916 |
577 - Jim's Barber Shop - 1936 |
577 - Thomas J. Foley Barber - 1934 |
577 - W. O. Stetson Carpenter - 1916 |
990 Shirley St. |
Now |
990 - Nandee's Catering - 2011 |
Earlier |
990 - Italian Joe's Market - 1996-2000 |
990 - Kostas Market - 1986 |
990 - Glamour Care Products - 1967 |
990 - Pulsifer's Market (Point Shirley Spa) - 1930-1984 |