Town Memorials | Winthrop, Massachusetts
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Veteran Memorials
Bachini & McIntyre Family
U.S. Army, U.S. Coast Guard

Five Bachini brothers (Enrico, Charles, David, Joseph, Richard) of Winthrop served in the military, along with their brother-in-law William McIntyre.
   "Enrico served as a medic in the South Pacific. Charles, the youngest of the brothers sent off to war, landed on the beaches in Normandy, France, about 10 days after the Allied invasion of Western Europe began. He worked his way with his unit through France, Germany, and Belgium before being captured and held for months as a prisoner of war.
    David, the oldest, was in officer candidate school when he was sent home, after their father died. Leo was assigned to the Army Air Forces Band. Joseph served in the Coast Guard on a landing ship, which placed soldiers on beaches from Africa to Sicily and Normandy. McIntyre, their brother-in-law, was stationed stateside, as was Richard when he began serving near the end of the Korean War."
   "The observance continued at the corner of Bowdoin Street and Madison Avenue where the town dedicated a square in honor of the five Bachini brothers of Winthrop who served in World War II, along with their brother-in-law William McIntyre. It’s a much-deserved tribute to this amazing family who lived in a house at the intersection that will now bear their name. We commend the town for recognizing these brothers’ service to our country with the honor of having a sign at the intersection that will forever signify their gallant service to our nation in a time of conflict."
Memorial location: Corner of Madison Ave. and Bowdoin St.
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