"A granite shaft in memory of the Winthrop youg men who died in the service during the World War was unveiled with impressive exercises here today in the presence of more that 5000 persons, by the Winthrop Branch of the Special Aid Society for American Preparedness.
The monument, stading 5.5 feet high and bearing a bronze table upon which the names of the heroes are inscribed, occupies a commanding spot on the grass plot in front of the Edward B. Newton School, represents fully a year's efforts on the part of a handful of patriotic women.
There are 21 names inscribed on the roll of honor. Besides Corp. Metcalf the following names appear: Capt. Howard W. Irwin, Lieut. Henry Q. Griffin, Lieut. Marcus E. Rowe, Serg. Maj. Arthur M. Fletcher, Corp. William C. Kelly, Corp. Richard F. Metcalf, Seaman H. Bertram Nickerson, privates William A. Miller, Simon J. Donovan, John E. Gossom, Alvin W. Gordon, William P. Nelligan, Thomas A. Maloney, George L. Richardson, John P. Quinlan, Francis C. Hoare, John F. Holland, Standish V. Furber, Ralph T. Crocker, Chandler H. Colby, and Maurice L. Abrams.
Mrs. Carrie E. Duston, chairman; Mrs. Grace W. Carruth, Mrs. Mabelle Radell, Mrs. George H. Harris, and Mrs. William E. Donovan are credited with doing much to assure the memorial."
"This Tablet Is Dedicated
In Grateful Memory Of The
Winthrop Boys
Who Died In The World War"
Memorial location: In front of E.B. Newton School
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