Town Memorials | Winthrop, Massachusetts
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Winthrop Public Library - Website / About
An Act to Incorporate the Town of Winthrop
Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1852, Chapter. 53, pg. 436 - Google ebook
Descriptive History and Real Estate Guide of the Town of Winthrop
Hall, Charles W., 1877 - Google ebook / Library of Congress
The Town of Winthrop
Cobb, Albert Winslow, New England Magazine, pg. 645, 1892 - Google ebook
Photo Glimpses in and around Winthrop, Mass.
J.H. White, 1893 - Internet Archive
List of the Polls and Estates in the Town of Winthrop: May 1st, 1893
Town of Winthrop, 1893 - Google ebook
The Town of Winthrop
Gardner, William H., The Bostonian, pg. 571, 1895 - Google ebook
The Chelsea, Revere and Winthrop Directory
Littlefield Directory Publishing Co., 1895; Henry W. Meek; 1899, Union Publishing, 1902
Winthrop Directories: 1895, 1899, 1902, - HathiTrust / 1908 - Internet Archive
Annual Report of the Officers of the Town of Winthrop, Mass.
Google ebook - 1885 34th, 1886 35th, 1890 38th, 1910 59th, 1911 60th, 1916 65th, 1917 66th, 1919 68th
Winthrop: A Suburban Story
Cobb, Albert Winslow, Architects’ and Builders’ Magazine, 1901, pg. 164, - HathiTrust
Historic Winthrop - 1630-1902 - A Concise History
Hall, Charles W., 1902 - Winthrop Public Library / Google ebook / HathiTrust / Text version
Winthrop Days, And A Half Century With The Trees - 1855-1905
Griffin, Mary Priscilla, 1905 - Winthrop Public Library, Text version
Indian Burial Place at Winthrop, Massachusetts
Willoughby Charles C. and Hooton, Earnest A., 1924 - Internet Archive, HathiTrust
Winthrop - Anciently Pullin Point - Our Penninsula in 1624
Howard, Channing, 1930 - Digital Commonwealth
Addresses of David Floyd - 1884-1912
Compiled by Sidvin F. Tucker, 1937 - Winthrop Public Library - Online
The geography of Winthrop, Massachusetts
Arthur N. Triantafell, Masters Thesis, Boston University, 1951 - OpenBU
History of Winthrop, Massachusetts
Snow, Edward Rowe, Masters Thesis, Boston University, 1939 - Internet Archive / Text version
Pullen Poynt, 1630-1852 - Winthrop, 1852-1940
Batstone-Carson, Geraldine, 1940 - Winthrop Public Library
History of the Town of Winthrop - 1614-1943
Littlefield, Madeleine, 1943 - Winthrop Public Library / Text and PDF
Winthrop, Mass. - Our Streets - How we got them and their Names
Howard, Channing, 1950 - Winthrop Public Library / Text and PDF
The History of Winthrop, Massaschusetts Winthrop - 1630-1952
Clark, William H., 1952 - Internet Archive / Winthrop Public Library / Text version
A History of the Winthrop Community Hospital Inc. - 1922, from the beginning of its predecessor, The Metcalf Hospital - 1904, to 1 January 1967
Tucker, Sidvin F., 1967 - Winthrop Public Library / PDF
Historical Recollections of Four Members of the Winthrop Improvement and Historical Association
Winthrop Improvement and Historical Association, 1972 - Winthrop Public Library / Text and PDF
MHC Reconnaissance Survey Town Report - Winthrop
Massachusetts Historical Commission, 1981 - PDF
A History of the Union Congregational Church United Church of Christ Winthrop, Massachusetts
Brown, Patricia I. 1989 - Winthrop Public Library / PDF
Town of Winthrop, Sesquicentennial Commemorative Book, 1852-2002
Winthrop Historical Commission, 2002 - Winthrop Public Library / Text version
Winthrop Community Development Plan - May 2004
Town of Winthrop - PDF
Winthrop - Images of America
Winthrop Historical Commission, 2002 - Winthrop Public Library / Google ebook preview
Fort Banks Elementary School Acess Road Feasibility Study - June 2009
GEOD Consulting, Town of Winthrop - PDF
Winthrop Harbor Assessment Plan - April 2005
The Cecil Group, Town of Winthrop - PDF
Historical Mapping of Winthrop, Massachusetts - Winthrop: Then and Now
Hubbard, G. David, 2005 - Winthrop Public Library
Aerials of Winthrop
Munson, John, 2009 - Winthrop Public Library | Blurb books preview
Walk Winthrop: A Plan for a More Walkable & Bikeable Town
Conway School of Landscape Design, 2010 - ISSUU
Walk Winthrop: A Greenway Action Plan
Metropolitan Area Planning Council, 2011 - PDF
Five Year Strategic Plan for Economic Development: Prepared for the Town of Winthrop

Economic Trends Report, Prepared for the Town of Winthrop
Univesity of Massachusetts, Edward J. Collins, Jr. Center for Public Management, 2014
Independent Technical Review of Winthrop Shores Reservation Restoration Project
TetraTech, DCR, Commonwealth of Mass., 2016 - PDF
A Plan to Increase Coastal Resiliency at Coughlin Park - July 2016
Woodward & Curran, Woods Hole Group, Town of Winthrop - PDF
A Natural and Political History of Belle Isle Marsh
Barbara Bishop, Soheil Zendeh, 2023, Bird Observer, University of South Florida
Town of Winthrop Open Space and Recreation Plan: 2014-2021
Town of Winthrop - PDF
Winthrop Beach Nourishment Project Update & Winthrop Shore Drive Improvement Project
2015, Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) - PDF
Town of Winthrop Open Space and Recreation Plan: 2005-2010
Town of Winthrop - PDF
The Train on the Beach: Forgotten Railroads that Transformed Winthrop, Orient Heights, and Revere Beach, Massachusetts
Lieberman, William, 2017 - Winthrop Public Library  |  Read an excerpt from the book - BookLocker
Resilient Winthrop, Designing Coastal Community Infrastructure for Climate Change
Town of Winthrop, 2017 - PDF
Town of Winthrop, Centre Business District Master Plan
Form + Place, Inc., MassDevelopment, Metropolitan Area Planning Council [MAPC], 2017 - PDF
History of the Deane Winthrop House - Winthrop, Massachusetts
Howard, Channing, Winthrop Improvement and Historical Association - Winthrop Public Library / Text and PDF
300th Anniversary of the Building of the Deane Winthrop House
Howard, Channing, Winthrop Improvement and Historical Association and the Board of Selectmen, 1937 - HathiTrust
Winthrop: Then and Now Columns - Winthrop Transcript
Hubbard, G. David - Links to recent columns
The Echo - Winthrop High School Yearbooks
Winthrop High School - Winthrop Public Library, Internet Archive
The Coastal Geology of Winthrop, MA
Weston Observatory, Boston College, 1984 - University of New Hampshire Scholars Repository
Town of Winthrop, Mass., Record of Deaths
Town of Winthrop - 1853-1967 - Internet Archive
Boston, A Guide Book - Winthrop and Revere
Bacon, Edwin Monroe, 1903 - HathiTrust
Walks and Rides In The Country Round About Boston - Winthrop Beachmont, and Revere Beach
Bacon, Edwin Monroe, 1900 - Google ebook
Boston of To-day: A Glance at Its History and Characteristics. With Biographical Sketches and Portraits of Many of Its Professional and Business Men
Bacon, Edwin Monroe, 1892 - Internet Archive / Winthrop Highlights
History of the Bill family
Bill, Ledyard, 1867 - Internet Archive
A Documentary History of Chelsea: including the Boston Precincts of Winnisimmet, Rumney Marsh, and Pullen Point, 1624-1824
Chamberlain, Mellen, 1902 - Internet Archive: Vol. 1, Vol. 2 / HathiTrust: Vol. 1, Vol. 2
Landmarks "in the Old Bay State"
Comer, William R., 1911 - Internet Archive
Genealogical and Personal Memoirs Relating to the Families of Boston and Eastern Massachusetts
Cutter, William R., 1908 - Internet Archive: Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3, Vol. 4 / Winthrop Highlights
Genealogical and Personal Memoirs Relating to the Families of the State of Massachusetts
Cutter, William R. and Adams, Willam F., 1910, Vol 1, Vol 2, Vol 3, Vol 4 - Internet Archive
Boston's North Shore, Being an Account of Life Among the Noteworthy, Fashionable, Wealthy, Eccentric, and Ordinary, 1823-1890
Garland, Joseph E., 1978 - Internet Archive / Winthrop Highlights
Biographical Sketches of Representative Citizens of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Graves & Steinbarger, 1901 - Internet Archive / Winthrop Highlights
A History of New England
Howard, R.H. and Crocker, Henry E., 1880 - Google ebook
The Sallie and Stacy Saunders Story
Melanson, Susna Chapman, 2007 - Google ebook preview
Memoir of William Francis Bartlett
Palfrey, Francis Winthrop, 1878 - Google ebook
History of New England
Palfrey, John Gorham, 1858 - Internet Archive: Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3, Vol. 4
The Pioneers of Massachusetts: A Descriptive List, Drawn from Records of the Colonies, Towns, and Churches, and Other Contemporaneous Documents
Pope, Charles Henry, 1900 - Internet Archive
One of a Thousand: One Thousand Representative Men, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, A.D. 1888-'89
Rand, John C, 1890 - Internet Archive / Winthrop Highlights
William Francis Bartlett: Biography of a Union General in the Civil War Bartlett
Sauers, Richard and Sable, Martin, 2009 - Google ebook preview
Genealogical Dictionary: The First Settlers of New England
Savage, James, 1860 - Internet Archive: Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3, Vol. 4
Rural and Puritan Winthrop
Sweetser, Moses Foster ,King's Handbook of Boston Harbor, pg., 129, 1888 - Internet Archive
The History of the Town of Revere
Shurtleff, Benjamin, 1937 - HathiTrust
The Islands of Boston Harbor
Snow, Edward Rowe, 1935 - Google ebook
Illustrated history of Boston harbor
James Henry Stark, 1880 - Internet Archive
The Crooked & Narrow Streets of the Town of Boston 1630-1822
Thwing, Annie Haven, 1920 - Internet Archive
Shoreline changes in the Winthrop area, Massachusetts
Bulletin of the Geographical Society of Philadelphia, George Roorbach, 1910 - Internet Archive
Genealogical Guide to the Early Settlers of America
Whittemore, Henry, 1898 - Internet Archive: Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3, Vol. 4 (Incomplete)
Winthrop Public Library and Museum -
Town of Winthrop -
Winthrop Public Safety -
Winthrop Community Access Television (WCAT) - YouTube | Website -
Friends of Belle Isle Marsh -
Winthrop Chamber of Commerce -
Winthrop Historical Commisson - Facebook
Winthrop Transcript -
Winthrop Memories - Website
Massachusetts Historical Commission, MACRIS -
Norman B. Leventhal Map Center, Boston Public Library -

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