1939 |
In Memoriam
Our Belove Superindent of Schools
and Understanding Friend
Edward Richards Clarke
Principal of Winthrop Senior High School
Superintendent of Winthrop Schools
Passed away of Saturday, October 15, 1938
His Brilliant Career in the Winthrop Schools
Will Ever Be Remebered
1938 |
That we may in
some small measure repay our debt
of gratitude and appreciation
for her untiring efforts which
have resulted in such excellent
plays and presentations through
the years, the 1938 issue of the
year book is respectfully dedi-
cated to our dramatic coach and
sincere friend
Miss Clara M. Spence |
In Memoriam
Eber I. Wells
Head of Manual Training Department
or the Winthrop Senior High School
from 1910 to 1938<
A Great Teacher and
A Loyal Friend
1937 |
As instructor of gymnastics and
supervisor of athletics for girls, Miss
F. Theresa Key has won the respect
and love of the whole student body.
That in some small measure we may
show our deep and sincere apprecia-
tion for her generous service and sym-
pathetic understanding, we dedicate
the 1937 Year Book to Miss Key. |
1936 |
In grateful recognition of the whole-hearted
enthusiasm with which he has supported
all our efforts, both as a class and as indi-
viduals, and of the splendid efforts which
he himself has made in our behalf, we
respectfully dedicate this yearbook
to our principal and
Arthur E. Boudreau |
1935 |
In sincere appreciation of her unselfish
devotion to her work we respectfully
dedicate our Yearbook
Miss Harriet M. Day
Superior Teacher and Loyal Friend |
1934 |
It has been the privilege of the Class
of 1934 to know Miss Martha L. Eveleth
as an eminent teacher and as a true
friend of the students of the Winthrop
High School. On this, the eve of her re-
tirement, we respectfully dedicate our
Year Book to her, in the sincere hope
that we may thereby express at least
a part of our appreciation of her faith-
ful friendship and service during
her forty years as a teacher
of French in this
school. |
1933 |
The Class of
Nineteen Hundred Thirty-Three
feels honored to dedicate
this year book to
Mr. Eber I. Wells
and we hope that this dedication will
in some small measure express the sin-
cere admiration and respect which the
students have for him. Mr. Wells' long
and faithful service to the school and
the students as teacher of practical arts
has justly earned for him a prominent
position in the esteem of all who
have the honor
to know him. |
1932 |
Yearbook missing |
1931 |
We dedicate this Year Book to Mr. Leslie
Dunham, who for many years, in his modest
way, has helped countless students to start
their school and college careers in the best
manner. As Faculty-Manager of Athletics,
Mr. Dunham, by his earnest efforts, has suc-
ceeded in having the finest teams in the state
meet our boys in athletic contests. We hope
this dedication will indicate the sincere re-
spect the student body has for him, and
its appreciation of his many services
in behalf of the school and
the students. |
1930 |
In order to show our appreciation,
and that of the student body for her
untiring work, we dedicate this Com-
mencement number of The Echo to
that member of the Faculty who has
fostered this publication during
the past year.
Miss Florence C. Wilder |