1959 |
Leslie L. Dunham
The class of 1959 is proud to dedicate this yearbook to our retiring principal, Mr. Leslie L. Dunham, in true appreciation for his long and untiring service to the pupils of Winthrop High School. As a principal he has always been concerned with the welfare of his students; therefore, in this way we thank him for all that he has done for us, and we wish him many happy years in which to enjoy freedom from the routine of administrative duties. |
In Memoriam
The Class of 1959
holds in affectionate memory
Eleanor Louise King
who died suddenly
May 23, 1958
during her junior year.
1958 |
Mary Corcoran
To Miss Corcoran:
You entered W.H.S. with the class of '58, and, as class advisor for three years, you have helped make our high school days unforgettable. In grateful recognition we make this your book.
Edwin Macfarland
To Mr. Macfarland:
You have worked unfalteringly as football coach, class advisor, and teacher to make our years at W.H.S. a little brighter. With deep appreciation, we dedicate this book to you. |
1957 |
Helen F. Cady
To Miss Cady:
In sincere appreciation for her help and understanding during our years at Winthrop High School, the class of 1957 is proud and happy to dedicate its yearbook to Miss Helen F. Cady. Throughout these years Miss Cady has been invaluable to us, helping with
school functions and teaching in the classroom. Thank you. Miss Cady, for all you have done to make our high school days happy ones. |
1956 |
Ralph L. Duplin
To Mr. Duplin:
The class of '56 is honored to dedicate its yearbook to Mr. Ralph
Duplin, our friend and submaster. For twenty-one years Mr. Duplin has been competently and wisely handling the everyday problems of Winthrop High students. So, in appreciation, we make this his book. |
1955 |
Anne Hey and John Wynn
Faculty Advisors to the Class of 1955
In our minds the activities of our Senior Class will be invariably associated with Miss Anne Hey and Mr. John Wynn, who as our Class Advisors during the past three years have worked with us closely and untiringly.
Scenes such as these will stand out in our memories: Mr. Wynn's persevering building of the fireplace for our Junior Prom; his agitated search for a Harvest Time Wagon; Miss Hey carrying her hard-to-find raccoon coats backstage during "Good News"; and with her sparkling wit, making valuable suggestions when our ideas were lacking.
With deepest affection and sincere appreciation, we dedicate
to them the Echo of 1955. |
1954 |
Gordon B. Connor
Teacher of history and athletic coach in Winthrop High School for fourteen years. Graduate of Boston College, with advanced degrees from Portia Liberal Arts and Calvin Coolidge College.
Mr. Connor:
The Class of 1954 is proud to dedicate this yearbook to Mr. Gordon Connor for his many
years of service to the school and to the students. His career as athletic coach and teacher of social studies has earned the respect and admiration of all those who know him. In his new work we wish him all success. |
1953 |
Rachel A. Johnson
Miss Johnson:
We the class of 1953 are proud and happy to dedicate this year's publication of the Echo to Miss Rachel A. Johnson in order to express our sincere admiration and our appreciation for all the work she has done for us. As our Senior Class Advisor, Miss Johnson has spent many hours of her own time working on our Senior Class Social, candy drive, Tiny Tim sale, and the Little Sir Echo. Her wonderful sense of humor and warm smile have made her doubly
popular with both the students and the teachers. We think you will all agree that Miss Johnson is truly worthy of this dedication. |
In Memoriam
Charles Cook
Charles Markley
Harold Wain
Members of the Class of 1953
drowned off Fort Heath
March 18, 1951 |
1952 |
William B. Ross
Tufts College, A.B. ; A.M. Faculty adviser, "Little Sir Echo" For the past three years, one
the faculty advisers to the class of 1952.
To Mr. Ross:
We, the class of 1952, wish to thank you for your patience, friendliness, and interest in our class and school. You have served untiringly as our class advisor for three consecutive years, and much of the success of our socials has been through your efforts. You have done a wonderful job with the school newspaper and have put many new ideas to work. Wherever we
turn, you are always there to lend us a helping hand. We are proud, therefore, to dedicate to you our yearbook. |
1951 |
Jessie M. Porter
We, the class of 1951, proudly dedicate our yearbook to Miss Jessie M. Porter, our Guidance Director. Throughout our school life we have felt Miss Porter's influence, but especially
in our senior high career as we have been guided in selecting our subjects, in taking aptitude and interest tests, in Career Day, in choosing colleges, and in selecting the best
career. Little does she know how greatly we appreciate her efforts and her interest in our
welfare. Therefore, with this Echo we pay sincere tribute to Miss Porter. |
1950 |
Timothy F. Sheehan
To Mr. Sheehan
We of the class of 1950 are indeed honored to dedicate this issue of the Echo to you on your silver anniversary of teaching here at Winthrop High School. Throughout our high school days we have been aware of the friendly guidance and unselfish assistance that you have afforded us, often in ways which we didn't realize at the time. You have helped immeasurably in making our socials and dramatic productions possible. Your excellent coaching has been reflected by the success of our golf teams. With the sincere hope that the future students of Winthrop High will continue to benefit by your guidance for many years to come, we express our deepest gratitude. |