1979 |
Edwin E. MacFarland
"Notes away, books a-closed, eyes down a-nose-yours, neat in the seat, square in the chair, tall in the saddle like The Big Duke" are words that echo from room #204 and reverberate throughout the lives of Winthrop High graduates. Our own "Big Duke", Mr. Edwin E. MacFarland joined Winthrop's faculty in 1949.
For twenty years, Mr. MacFarland coached a winning Vikings football team. In 1964, Coach MacFarland's dynasty culminated in a 8-1 season bringing the Northeast Conference title to Winthrop. On May 27, 1960, Caruso's Diplomat was filled to capacity with the hundreds of people who wished to honor Coach MacFarland's loyalty and love, the qualities which gave Coach MacFarland membership in the Massachusetts Coaches' Hall of Fame.
The 1979 yearbook staff would like to honor Mr. Edwin E. MacFarland, the classroom teacher. His room is not only filled with students each period, but is also peopled with historical voices and images. Students have actually seen Teddy Roosevelt's Roughriders scrambling up San Juan Hill sans horses, (no wonder it was such a rough ride!). "Hammy-Baby" rolling in his grave every time the stock market plummeted, and heard endless conversations between Joe Bananas and Abacrombie Fuffufnick on the state of the union.
This 1979 yearbook is but a small token of appreciation from the students of Winthrop to a great coach, teacher and man. Mr. MacFarland, with love, respect and admiration, we wish you much happiness for your next thirty years at Winthrop High. |
1978 |
Dorothy Edna Sharples
“And gladly would he learn and gladly teach” Chaucer Canterbury Tales
Dorothy Edna Sharples B.S. in Ed. A.M. educator, artist, teacher, lecturer, writer, calligrapher, designer
Professor of Art Education and Art History – Boston University
Director and Chief Counselor in Art – Boston University
Director of Art – Lesley College
Director of Fine Arts and Humanities – Town of Winthrop
Director of the Program for academically talented and gifted – Town of Winthrop
Co-ordinator and lecturer of the voluntary inservice workshop of the Academically Talented and gifted.
She was a member of the Who’s Who in American Education and Who’s Who in Art Education
Teacher of the present Art Dept. Head, Shirley B. Bloom, her assistant, Lucy Grace Sargeant and Junior High teacher Gail Hamlin
Miss Sharples’ influence will always be present in Winthrop Public Schools.
“A teacher affects Eternity; He can never tell where his influence stops”
Henry Adams
Sophie S. Baehr
Mrs. Baehr has been in the Winthrop Public School System for eleven years during which she has taught
Science and Math. She holds the title Co-ordinator of the Math Department and has been teaching the accelerated math classes. She has the respect of many in Winthrop High and we will truly miss her.
Irja Stonebrook
Mrs. Stonebrook has been with us for twelve years teaching Cooking in the Home Economics Department. Although she is only well known by the girls in school, the boys who took the Chefs course in school respect her very much. She in turn has enjoyed her years of teaching at Winthrop High and would like to continue working with children after she retires. We wish you nothing but the best.. |
1977 |
None |
1976 |
John Hargreaves
Gymnastics 9,10,1 1 Tumbling Team 9,10, 1 1 "Hargy", Stratton, Vt., N.H., Suzuki 125, 67 Mustang, Josh, skiing, John Denver, Led Zeppelin.
John's sudden death brought much pain to us all. His sensitive and friendly character towards everyone and everything will always be remembered. His love for animals and nature was unique. Yet all we have left of John are memories, memories of good times shared with a true friend. |
1975 |
Anna Matarazzo
1912 - 1974
This yearbook is dedicated to Mrs. Anna Matarazzo, who was one of the best friends this school has ever known. |
1974 |
Yearbook missing |
1973 |
Yearbook missing |
1972 |
Yearbook missing |
1971 |
The greatest good we can do lor others
is not to share our riches with them
But to reveal theirs to themselves.
There is nothing we can't
solve together.
True peace is not merely
the absence of tension --
It is the presence of
justice and brotherhood.
- Martin Luther King
When all the laughter dies in sorrow
and all the tears have risen to a flood,
When all the wars have found a cause
in human wisdom and in blood,
Do you think -- they ll cry in sadness?
Do you think -- the eve will blink?
Do you think -- thev ll curse madness?
Do you think -- they'll think?
When all the great galactic svstems
sigh to a frozen halt in space.
Do you think -- there'll be some remnant
beauty of the human race?
Do vou think --” there'll be a vestage?
-- or a sniffle?
-- or a cosmic tear?
Do you think -- a greater thinking thing
will give a damn
that man was here?
Did you ever stop to think
how life passes quick as a wink?
I do my thing
And you do your
I am not in this
world to live
up to your
And you are not
in the world
to live up to
You are you
And I anm I
And if be chance we
find each other --
It's beautiful.
- Frederick S. Perls |
1970 |
Ralph L. Duplin
In his thirty-five years of service in the Winthrop School System, Mr. Duplin has given invaluable aid and guidance to the many students who have come in contact with him. As a teacher he has provided a sound, fundamental course in mathematics. As chairman of the Math Department, as sub-master and as principal, he has striven to make Winthrop High School a prime institution for secondary education.
But perhaps what Mr. Duplin will be most remembered for is something not taught in a classroom. He has always
tried to instill in the students a sense of maturity and responsibility. He has shown them that there is a whole world at their feet, and what they make of their lives is up to them. In short, he has provided them with the incentive to become useful, productive members of society and good citizens of their country.
To show our deep appreciation for what you have given us, Mr. Duplin, we, the students of Winthrop Senior High
School, dedicate this book to you. |
Robert Belcher, Marines
Paul F. Brugman, Marines
John A. Countaway, Marines
Joseph L. Logan, Army
Joseph Pignato II, Marines
John White, Army
This page is respectfully dedicated to the memory of those boys who attended Winthrop High School and gave their lives in Vietnam. Not long ago their voices were part of the general hubbub of our lunchroom; their joys and sorrows part of the emotional din that is Winthrop High School. We realize that mere words cannot honor them, but words are indeed all that we have to give. |