Deer Island, Boston Harbor
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Wastewater | News Archive - Boston Globe
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Boston Globe (subscription required)
1873 - 1979
Our Sewers. Defects of the Present System - Improvements Recommended, Sep. 2, 1873 - Boston Globe
The Sewerage Question, Jul. 13, 1876 - Boston Globe
The City Sewerage, Jan. 7, 1876 - Boston Globe
The Sewerage Question, Feb. 15, 1876 - Boston Globe
Shirley Gut, worse possibel place, May 13, 1876 - Boston Globe
A Plan to Poison the City, Jun. 20, 1876 - Boston Globe
For consideration of sewerage, Jun. 22, 1876 - Boston Globe
The Sewerage Plan, Jul. 11, 1876 - Boston Globe
The New Sewer System, Jul. 25, 1877 - Boston Globe
Moon Island Sewer - South Boston and Dorchester's Objection, May 7, 1882 - Boston Globe
Sewerage For One Million, Improvements in Boston's System Nearing Completion, Jul. 3, 1883 - Boston Globe
Benefits of New Sewerage, Jul. 29, 1884 - Boston Globe
Health of Boston, Benefits Derived from Improved Sewerage System, Jul. 12, 1887 - Boston Globe
Big Sewerage System, Oct. 21, 1888 - Boston Globe
Proposed Mystic Valley Sewerage System, Oct. 23, 1888 - Boston Globe
General Court of 1890 organized, Sprague President of the Senate, Jan. 2, 1890 - Boston Globe
Bids for Four Sections, Apr. 26, 1890 - Boston Globe
Five Million Dollars to be Spent for Sewers for City and Suburbs, May 9, 1890 - Boston Globe
Swept out by the tide, Four Italians drowned in Shirley Gut, Jul. 3, 1890 - Boston Globe
Metropolitan System, Engineer Carson Explains the Great Sewerage Work, Dec. 18, 1890 - Boston Globe
1891 Top
Sewers and Health, Jan. 2, 1891 - Boston Globe
Vain Main Drain, Metropolitan sewer said to be illegal, Mar. 3, 1891 - Boston Globe
Corrections Filed, Complaints against Metropolitan Sewerage Act, Mar. 3, 1891 - Boston Globe
Favor Special Sitting, To test constitutionality of the Metropolitan Sewerage Act, Mar. 3, 1891 - Boston Globe
Sewer Act's Legality, Arguements heard by the full bench of the Supreme Court, Mar. 27, 1891 - Boston Globe
Must Settle, Metropolitan Sewage Act Consitutional, May. 19, 1891 - Boston Globe
Promoters of Health, They go down the harbor and inspect and hear explained Boston's sewerage system, Jul. 25, 1891 - Boston Globe
1892-1899 Top
Taft's Hooks a Big Fish, May 25, 1892 - Boston Globe
Chelsea is Sewered, Metropolitan system being pushing to completion, Jul. 7, 1892 - Boston Globe
Anything wrong with the Australian Ballot?, Dec. 4, 1892 - Boston Globe
Deer Island, Pile and cribe bulkhead at Shirley Gut, Jul. 14, 1893 - Boston Globe
Relief Near, Metropolitan sewerage is nearing completion, Jan.. 17, 1893 - Boston Globe
Mystic Tunnel Completed, Jan. 27, 1894 - Boston Globe
East Boston Pumping Station: Solid work which marks near completion of Metropolitan Sewerage System , Dec. 10, 1894 - Boston Globe
Sewer Commission Work, Exceedingly difficult job done at the Shirley Gut siphon, Feb. 2, 1895 - Boston Globe
Work nearly all done, Jan. 27, 1896 - Boston Globe
Fifty miles of metropolitan sewers in operation, Jan. 5, 1897 - Boston Globe
Sewerage system completed, Jan. 16, 1897 - Boston Globe
Object to Boston's control, Several adjacent cities want privilege of entering big sewer built by the city, Feb. 16, 1897 - Boston Globe
1900-1918 Top
Feelers for consolidation, May. 31, 1900 - Boston Globe
Boston's New High Level Sewer, Aug. 11, 1900 - Boston Globe
H.H. Sprague, Dr. Walcott, James A. Bailey, Jr., Three chosen for new Metropolitan Water and Sewerage Board, Mar. 20, 1901 - Boston Globe
No Politics, Gov. Crane says there is none in appointments, yet he named three republicans to new board, Mar. 21, 1901 - Boston Globe
Progress of Work on th High-Level Sewer, Jan. 6, 1902 - Boston Globe
Tunneling Under Great Hill, Apr. 15, 1903 - Boston Globe
1919-1935 Top
Reorganization of State Departments, Apr. 30, 1919 - Boston Globe
Massachusetts Bay pollution, Jan 28, 1929 - Boston Globe
Death of Hon. Henry H. Sprague, Won title of ‘Father of Australian Ballot’, Jul. 29, 1929 - Boston Globe
Weston given Goodnough job, Oct. 15, 1930 - Boston Globe
Finds Harbor is not Seriously Polluted, Dec. 4, 1930 - Boston Globe
Howard A. Carson dies in Malden, Oct. 27, 1931 - Boston Globe
Shellfish diggers ignore health department call, Sep. 28, 1932 - Boston Globe
Carson beach water ok for bathing, Jul. 5, 1934 - Boston Globe
1936 Top
Sewerage system bill reported by committee, Mar. 11, 1936 - Boston Globe
Would cost 59-1/2 millions, Dec. 3, 1936 - Boston Globe
Sewerage tunnel rejected, Dec. 10, 1936 - Boston Globe
1937 Top
Pollution of Boston Harbor, Feb. 1, 1937 - Boston Globe
Sewer construction measures offered, Dec. 4, 1937 - Boston Globe
1938 Top
M.D.C. to consider sewage plant plan, May construct treatment station at Medford, Jan. 12, 1938 - Boston Globe
PWA list includes metropolitan district sewerage system, Jun. 23, 1938 - Boston Globe
Senator Giroux files bill for sewage disposal, Aug. 18, 1938 - Boston Globe
Sewage disposal plants advocated, Aug. 19, 1938 - Boston Globe
Recess commission to study sewerage, Aug. 29, 1938 - Boston Globe
Boston harbor called filthiest, Sep. 8, 1938 - Boston Globe
Sterilization plant for sewage urged, Sep. 9, 1938 - Boston Globe
Sewerage commission completes it survey, Sep. 14, 1938 - Boston Globe
1939 Top
Ask funds to Charles' pollution, Jan. 26, 1939 - Boston Globe
Plans habor pollution end with US aid, Jun. 16, 1939 - Boston Globe
City engineer files dissenting report of cleaning harbor, Jun. 16, 1939 - Boston Globe
Charles Basin polluted, representatives told, Jul. 10, 1939 - Boston Globe
1940 Top
MDC $140,000 contract signed without bids, Jan. 18, 1940 - Boston Globe
Hultman defends his sewer contract, Jan. 19, 1940 - Boston Globe
Governor approves quick organization of sewerage commission, Mar. 28, 1940 - Boston Globe
Sewerage pollution special commission formally organized, Apr. 28, 1940 - Boston Globe
1941-1946 Top
300 South shore residents jam hearing on pollution, Jul. 10, 1941 - Boston Globe
$15,000,000 Sewerage Plan Advances in House, Oct. 21, 1941 - Boston Globe
House votes big sewage fund, Jul. 24, 1945 - Boston Globe
Curley approves 4 million sewage disposal plant, Jun. 13, 1946 - Boston Globe
1947-1948 Top
$15,000,000 being spent to purify waters of Boston Harbor, K.S. Bartlett, Apr. 20, 1947 - Boston Globe
State warns bathers, John Harris, Jul. 16, 1947 - Boston Globe
Flotsam and Jetsam, Aug. 21, 1947 - Boston Globe
1949 Top
State must raise $25,000,000 more for sewerage projects, May 16, 1949 - Boston Globe
Extra $25,000,000 asked for completion of sewerage program, May 16, 1949 - Boston Globe
Sewage disposal bond issue bill passes house, July 6, 1949 - Boston Globe
House approves plan for city sewage plant, July 14, 1949 - Boston Globe
Sewerage projects OK'd by both houses; will helo clear pollution, July 19, 1949 - Boston Globe
Deer Island site asked to check pollution, Aug. 28, 1949 - Boston Globe
1950 Top
Don't go near the water, Jun. 10, 1950 - Boston Globe
'I'd like to quit tonight', MDC offcial declares, Sep. 8, 1950 - Boston Globe
Hearing delayed on suit to speed MDC probe, Oct. 4, 1950 - Boston Globe
New project will rid Dorchester Bay of pollution, Oct. 14, 1950 - Boston Globe
M.D.C. Under Fire Again at Hearing on Pollution, Samuel B. Cutler, Nov. 17, 1950 - Boston Globe
State's plan to spend $10,000 cleaning up Boston Harbor, K.S. Bartlett, Nov. 26, 1950 - Boston Globe
1951 Top
Linkup of three sewers seen harbor pollution solution, Mar. 19, 1951 - Boston Globe
Nut Island, Apr. 1, 1951 - Boston Globe
W.T. Morrissey, MDC head, dies suddenly, Nov. 6, 1951 - Boston Globe
1952 Top
Man who quit MDC on politics get big NY job, May 14, 1952 - Boston Globe
Says sewage plant will abate pollution, Jun. 10, 1952 - Boston Globe
Congress extends act to control water pollution, Jul. 5, 1952 - Boston Globe
Work starts on 2d huge tunnel to help free harbor of pollution, K.S. Bartlett, Oct. 7, 1952 - Boston Globe
$50,000,000 sewage disposal plan approved, Dec. 16, 1952 - Boston Globe
Another step taken to end Charles, Harbor pollution, Dec. 17, 1952 - Boston Globe
1953 Top
Fish may return to clean-up Alewife Brook, K.S. Bartlett, Mar. 15, 1953 - Boston Globe
1954 Top
MDC moves to drop form of engineers, Mar. 6, 1954 - Boston Globe
Out-of-state experts will be retained on sewerage project, Jun. 16, 1954 - Boston Globe
Governor, reporter take trip in sewer, Charles Tarbi, Aug. 17, 1954 - Boston Globe
1955 Top
Boston Seeks State Lot as Site for Incinerator, Feb. 7, 1955 - Boston Globe
$65,000,000 project to end contamination of harbor, Robert McGuine, May 24, 1955 - Boston Globe
1956 Top
Hardrock men are driving miles of tunnel under Boston Harbor, Earl Banner, Feb. 12, 1956 - Boston Globe
MDC goes underground, Mar. 4, 1956 - Boston Globe
$65,000,000 project to end contamination of harbor, Robert McGuine, May 24, 1956 - Boston Globe
1 killed, 5 hurt in tunnel blast, Apr. 3, 1956 - Boston Globe
Sewage odor probe sought at Deer Island, Dec. 12, 1956 - Boston Globe
1957 Top
City called "asleep at switch" on sewer tie-ins, Jan. 6, 1957 - Boston Globe
MDC chief setup needs revision, John Harris, Mar. 28, 1957 - Boston Globe
Water, sewer study OK'd in committee ion, Mar. 28, 1957 - Boston Globe
Winthrop sewer chief on the job since 1905 [John J. Kennedy] , Neil Singelais, Jul. 30, 1957 - Boston Globe
Explosion rocks South Boston, Aug. 8, 1957 - Boston Globe
Blast debris called dangerous, Aug. 8, 1957 - Boston Globe
Sewage experts here warn of pollution peril, Oct. 8, 1957 - Boston Globe
1958 Top
Among the best in sanitation, Dec. 17, 1958 - Boston Globe
1959 Top
Union to discuss new sewage treatment plant, Sep. 22, 1959 - Boston Globe
1960 Top
Storrow drive torn by tunnel air leak, Apr. 1, 1960 - Boston Globe
[Long] Island hospital to get new sewerage plant, June. 19, 1960 - Boston Globe
Career man Gow MDC head, Sep. 28, 1960 - Boston Globe
MDC probe counsel uniquely fitted for job, C.R. Owens, Sep. 28, 1960 - Boston Globe
Furcolo to clip Murohy's role in MDC shift, Oct. 10, 1960 - Boston Globe
1961 Top
State prodding communities to clean up river pollution, Robert McClean, Jan. 18, 1961 - Boston Globe
Powers drops opposition to $60 million MDC bond issue, Feb. 9, 1961 - Boston Globe
MDC distinction: Costliest hole in captivity, James Hammond, Apr. 10, 1961 - Boston Globe
Volpe asks head-to-toe remodeling job for MDC, Apr, 18, 1961 - Boston Globe
New try to eliminate obnoxious sea gas, Robert Glynn, Sep. 15, 1961 - Boston Globe
Murphy, team play give MDC a new outlook, James Hammond, Oct. 1, 1961 - Boston Globe
MDC requests $35 million for projects, Nov. 2, 1961 - Boston Globe
Misprint cuts Deer Island aid by $1.8 million, Nov. 20, 1961 - Boston Globe
MDC seeks bids on sewerage plant, Dec. 1, 1961 - Boston Globe
1962 Top
The story behind Allston detour, Joe Harrington, Jun. 8, 1962 - Boston Globe
Winthrop asks sea odor relief, Jul. 26, 1962 - Boston Globe
MDC votes $2 million sewer job, Aug. 24, 1962 - Boston Globe
Winthrop boy pushed into harbor stricken with hepatitis, Aug. 24, 1962 - Boston Globe
Winthrop girds to fight stench from inner bay, MDC blamed, Aug. 28, 1962 - Boston Globe
Boston firm wins $3 million contract for sewage facility, Aug. 31, 1962 - Boston Globe
500 in Winthriop demand Volpe act on pollution, Sep. 5, 1962 - Boston Globe
State gaining upper hand on water pollution, Jean Dietz, Sep. 23, 1962 - Boston Globe
1963 Top
Skindivers risk lives, check hub sewer lines, Jan. 4, 1963 - Boston Globe
Sewage pact award stirs MDC hassle, Feb. 1, 1963 - Boston Globe
South shore wars on water pollution, James Collins, Feb. 10, 1963 - Boston Globe
Winthrop winning battle for clean beaches, Anne Wyman, Apr. 7, 1963 - Boston Globe
Sewer shuts Winthrop shore, Jul. 1, 1963 - Boston Globe
MDC - Help wanted, Jul. 5, 1963 - Boston Globe
Bay fumes blacken homes, draws protests in Winthrop, Jul. 23, 1963 - Boston Globe
Peabody seeks $2.5 million Winthrop cure, Aug. 16, 1963 - Boston Globe
Winthrop's pollution bill set to sign, Sep. 26, 1963 - Boston Globe
1964 Top
MDC pushes fight to end river, harbor pollution, James Hammond, Mar. 28, 1964 - Boston Globe
Sewers drain Hub's dollars, Robert Kenney, Aug. 13, 1964 - Boston Globe
60% salt water and a bad smell, James Ayers, Sep. 20, 1964 - Boston Globe
By 1966, $105 million sewerage plan may end harbor, river pollution, James Ayers, Sep. 21, 1964 - Boston Globe
Swimming prospects brighten upstream, James Ayers, Sep. 23, 1964 - Boston Globe
1965 Top
Where's Boston to get new sewage plant cash?, Robert Kenney, Jan. 24, 1965 - Boston Globe
Whitmore takes over MDC, seeks to cut waste, duplications, James Hammond, Feb. 3, 1965 - Boston Globe
Landmark for seafarers, sewage smell, James Ayers, Jul. 14, 1965 - Boston Globe
$23.3 million program planned to curb hub pollution, James Ayers, Jul. 25, 1965 - Boston Globe
Congress approves bill to combat water pollution, Sep. 22, 1965 - Boston Globe
1966 Top
Boston's water filthy, James Ayers, Jan. 9, 1966 - Boston Globe
Sewage problem ebbing, but debris still clutters harbor, James Ayers, Jan. 10, 1966 - Boston Globe
Federal project to retrain 258 in Winthrop, Feb. 1, 1966 - Boston Globe
The MDC and pollution, Aug. 11, 1966 - Boston Globe
Back to school for MDC, too, James Hammond, Sep. 16, 1966 - Boston Globe
1967 Top
Citizen interest key to state's 'clean water' standard, James Ayers, Jan. 2, 1967 - Boston Globe
Winthrop dredging project cancelled, Feb. 24, 1967 - Boston Globe
Poisons in our daily lives, Mar. 19, 1967 - Boston Globe
MDC set for major step in cleaning up Charles, Jul. 20, 1967 - Boston Globe
Sewage face off pan out, Alan Lupo, Nov. 6, 1967 - Boston Globe
Despite $20 million new plant, raw sewage floods harbor, Nov. 9, 1967 - Boston Globe
$20 million sewage treatment plant pumps filth into harbor, Nov. 10, 1967 - Boston Globe
The white elephant on Deer Island, Carol Liston, Nov. 12, 1967 - Boston Globe
Winthrop residents angered by sewage, Alan Lupo, Nov. 13, 1967 - Boston Globe
Non-treating treatment plant, Nov. 14, 1967 - Boston Globe
Volpe action sought on sewage problem, Robert Turner, Nov. 14, 1967 - Boston Globe
Deer Island Recruitment Pressed, Robert Turner, Nov. 15, 1967 - Boston Globe
MDC challenged on sewer snafu, Nov. 16, 1967 - Boston Globe
Union changes Deer Island freeze-out, James Hammond, Nov. 17, 1967 - Boston Globe
MDC faces Deer Isle quiz, Nov. 17, 1967 - Boston Globe
13 due for new jobs at Deer Island plant, Nov. 18, 1967 - Boston Globe
A filth-filled harbor...a noxious odor...and a question, why?, Alan Lupo, Nov. 19, 1967 - Boston Globe
MDC using sewage plant, firm charges in payment suit, Nov. 21, 1967 - Boston Globe
Deer Island follies, Nov. 24, 1967 - Boston Globe
$38 million sewer plan for Hub urged, Elliot Friedman, Dec. 3, 1967 - Boston Globe
Whimore defends MDC sewage plant, James Hammond, Dec. 3, 1967 - Boston Globe
1968 Top
Sewage plant breakdown threatens Boston, Feb. 9, 1968 - Boston Globe
That's not the small of sea air, James Hammond, Feb. 13, 1968 - Boston Globe
From Mystic to Deer Isle - a cesspool, James Hammond, Feb. 14, 1968 - Boston Globe
One solution: 6 'deep tunnels' linked under Hub, James Hammond, Feb. 16, 1968 - Boston Globe
A cleaner harbor, William Lewis, Feb. 21, 1968 - Boston Globe
U.S. Tells MDC to Clean Harbor, James Doyle, Apr. 26, 1968 - Boston Globe
Spotlight on Deer Isle fiasco, US lowering boom on harbor pollution, May 2, 1968 - Boston Globe
Top anti-pollution 'cop' mum on Boston Harbor ter, Earl Banner, May 15, 1968 - Boston Globe
Harbor sewage plant starts - 6 years later, May 15, 1968 - Boston Globe
Official fears new laws will thwart state pollution battle, Herbert Gordon, May 19, 1968 - Boston Globe
Harbor cleanup gets powerful support, May 20, 1968 - Boston Globe
State to probe harbor pollution, May 21, 1968 - Boston Globe
MDC blamed in Deer Island plant delays, Jun. 3, 1968 - Boston Globe
Beyond Deer Island, Jun. 5, 1968 - Boston Globe
Four beaches to reopen in Winthrop, Jul. 20, 1968 - Boston Globe
Fit agin for swimming, Jul. 21, 1968 - Boston Globe
MDC beaches: Below par, Jul. 24, 1968 - Boston Globe
Boston Harbor pollution cost nearly million a year, James Ayers, Oct. 9, 1968 - Boston Globe
Board to oversee MDC programs to fight pollution, Oct. 20, 1968 - Boston Globe
1969 Top
Deer Island sewage ultimatum, Gerard O'Neill, Feb. 13, 1969 - Boston Globe
The Deer Island disgrace, Feb. 14, 1969 - Boston Globe
Harbor Sewage Disputed, Gerard O'Neill, Feb. 21, 1969 - Boston Globe
MDC sewerage 'incompetence' charged, Ronald Wysockil, Feb. 21, 1969 - Boston Globe
Sargent beginning clean up of sewage in harbor Apr. 1, James Ayers, Mar. 19, 1969 - Boston Globe
Deer Island investigation demanded, Gerald O'Neil, Mar. 20, 1969 - Boston Globe
Southies are upset over plans for Expo, Richard Powers, Apr. 13, 1969 - Boston Globe
U.S. asked to hike sewage plant funds, James Ayers, May 1, 1969 - Boston Globe
Tenean Beach: The cleaning bill runs into millions, James Ayers, Jul. 13, 1969 - Boston Globe
Expo '76 plans include pollution control funds, James Ayers, Aug. 28, 1969 - Boston Globe
How Expo plans to improve harbor, James Ayers, Sep. 28, 1969 - Boston Globe
Hub suit charges MDC broke sewerage pact, Nov. 11, 1969 - Boston Globe
[Deer Island Treatment Plant} In operation, A.C. Hayes, Nov. 21, 1969 - Boston Globe
1970 Top
Sargent outlines attack on pollution, Robert Hanron, Jan. 8, 1970 - Boston Globe
Boston asked to share sewer costs, Gerard O'Neill, Jan. 16, 1970 - Boston Globe
Sargent bill offers funds for waste-treating plants, Feb. 4, 1970 - Boston Globe
Cleaning Boston's beaches, Jun. 22, 1970 - Boston Globe
MDC multi-million dollar plan will develop, preserve harbor islands for public, Herb Gordon, Jun. 24, 1970 - Boston Globe
$250 million in pollution control bonds OK'd, Ray Richard, Aug.25, 1970 - Boston Globe
The ocean's no wastebasket, Oct. 10, 1970 - Boston Globe
Water pollution projects begin to take shape in many Bay State communuities, Gary Kayakachoian, Lucinda Smith, Dec. 27, 1970 - Boston Globe
1971 Top
Uses may be found for sewage sludge, Jan. 13, 1971 - Boston Globe
Boston Harbor: After five years of controversy, another master plan is being made, James Ayers, Feb. 28, 1971 - Boston Globe
The Charles Rive: 80 miles of pollution, Evelyn Keene, Oct. 5, 1971 - Boston Globe
The Charles Rive: State orders 22 polluters to clean up, Evelyn Keene, Oct. 6, 1971 - Boston Globe
Deer Island sewage plant criticized, Oct. 13, 1971 - Boston Globe
US, state officials clash over ways to clean up Boston Harbor, James Ayers, Oct. 28, 1971 - Boston Globe
State, US officials agree on harbor pollution curb, James Ayers, Oct. 29, 1971 - Boston Globe
Winthrop gained in pollution fight, Tony Geraghty, Oct. 31, 1971 - Boston Globe
1972 Top
Boston Harbor's bottom near ecological death, Jonathan Fuerbringer, May 25, 1972 - Boston Globe
Inaction on harbor deplored, James Ayers, May 25, 1972 - Boston Globe
Bulger asks MDC freeze on Quabbin funds, May 26, 1972 - Boston Globe
Bulger asks proble of harbor pollutants, Jun. 19, 1972 - Boston Globe
MDC harbor waste plan called absurd by Bulger, Jun. 21, 1972 - Boston Globe
Officials split on way to curb harbor pollution here, John Abbott, Jun. 21, 1972 - Boston Globe
House taking up environment bill, Jul. 5, 1972 - Boston Globe
Harbor cleanup advanced, James Ayers, Jul. 7, 1972 - Boston Globe
MDC pumps tons of sewage daily into Boston Harbor, R.S. Kindleberger, Jul. 9, 1972 - Boston Globe
Ecology bill first step in Hub cleanup, James Ayers, Jul. 16, 1972 - Boston Globe
Governor signs water cleanup bill, Evelyn Keene, Jul. 20, 1972 - Boston Globe
Hub incinerator spews ash; new plant urged, R.S. Kindleberger, Jul. 23, 1972 - Boston Globe
Ships' waste adds to Boston Harbor sewage, R.S. Kindleberger, Aug. 6, 1972 - Boston Globe
Land sewage dispoal is one man's answer, Evelyn Keene, Aug. 27, 1972 - Boston Globe
Bulger lays pollution at door of oil, R.S. Kindleberger, Sep. 15, 1972 - Boston Globe
Federal agency criticized for not testifying on Hub harbor pollution, R.S. Kindleberger, Sep. 16, 1972 - Boston Globe
MDC to clean up area waters, Evelyn Keene, Nov. 17, 1972 - Boston Globe
1973 Top
Framingham, MDC at odds on sewage, Maria Karagianis, Jan. 14, 1973 - Boston Globe
Pollution: The funds are still available, R.S. Kindleberger, Jan. 31, 1973 - Boston Globe
Sewer needs grow but homeowners balking at the cost, John O'Keefe, Feb. 19, 1973 - Boston Globe
Rain-flushed sewage swells Hub's crisis, Jun. 3, 1973 - Boston Globe
Pollution control - progress comes slowly, R.S. Kindleberger, Jun. 24, 1973 - Boston Globe
MDC treatment plant still pollutes harbor, Jul. 29, 1973 - Boston Globe
1974 Top
Nixon impounds $3b for sewage treatment; total held back $9b, Jan. 11, 1973 - Boston Globe
Sewage sludge held threat to Hub beaches, shell fish, R.S. Kindleberger, Jan. 21, 1973 - Boston Globe
Boston casts its sludge to the sea, hoping it will stay there, R.S. Kindleberger, Jan. 22, 1973 - Boston Globe
Sewage an issue at UMass-Boston, R.S. Kindleberger, Apr. 14, 1974 - Boston Globe
Court to rule on President's funding ban, Apr. 29, 1974 - Boston Globe
Public to aid in planning sewage war, Evelyn Keene, May 5, 1974 - Boston Globe
Waterfront residents raising a stink about stench from century-old sewer, Mary Thompson, Aug. 15, 1974 - Boston Globe
Charles River blues, Evelyn Keene, Nov. 8, 1974 - Boston Globe
Satellite sewage-treatment plants proposed to cut harbor pollution, Evelyn Keene, Dec. 13, 1974 - Boston Globe
1975 Top
Clean-water funds mean long-range benefits, Anson Smith, Feb. 23, 1975 - Boston Globe
EPA orders White to close city incinerator, Mary Meier, Mar. 5, 1975 - Boston Globe
Fertilizer from sewage, Mar. 9, 1975 - Boston Globe
Buiger calls $50m MDC sludge incinerator plan "scandalous", R.S. Kindleberger, May 1, 1975 - Boston Globe
Recycle sewage back to land, Steven J. Marcus, May 9, 1975 - Boston Globe
Comr. Byrne to be asked to resign from MDC post, Jul. 3, 1975 - Boston Globe
Snedeker new MDC head, promises more lifeguards, Jul. 4, 1975 - Boston Globe
You don't have to Irish.. [Jack Snedeker], Paul Langner, Jul. 9, 1975 - Boston Globe
MDC plant to test use of electrons to ill sewage bacteria, Paul Langner, Jul. 9, 1975 - Boston Globe
Farewell, old incinerator, Sep. 1, 1975 - Boston Globe
1976 Top
U.S. to pay 75% of $800m Boston Harbor cleanup, Jerry. Ackerman, Jan. 14, 1976 - Boston Globe
$800m from US might clean Harbor, Charles River by '86, Jerry Ackerman, Stephen Curwood, Jan. 15, 1976 - Boston Globe
Quincy opposes sewage phase of Boston Harbor cleanup, Jerry Ackerman, Feb. 18, 1976 - Boston Globe
Quincy fights MDC sewage treatment plant on mudflats, Jerry Ackerman, Feb. 19, 1976 - Boston Globe
Boston planning water rate hike in a few weeks, Gary McMillan, Mar. 17, 1976 - Boston Globe
Garrity may change order to renovate Deer Island prison, William Doherty, Mar. 23, 1976 - Boston Globe
State gains on pollution as results trickle in, Jerry Ackerman, Apr. 2, 1976 - Boston Globe
Electrons purify Boston sewage [John Trump], Jerry Ackerman, May 19, 1976 - Boston Globe
US to examine cleanup efficiency in Boston Harbor, Jerry Ackerman, Jun. 13, 1976 - Boston Globe
Bio - John Snedeker, John Riley, Jun. 25, 1976 - Boston Globe
EPA proposes $404m sewage treatment plant on Deer Island, Jerry Ackerman, Sep. 26, 1976 - Boston Globe
1977 Top
Karl Kennison, 91, builder of Quabbin Reservoir, May 3, 1977 - Boston Globe
MDC denies improper waste disposal charge, Robert Cooke, May 12, 1977 - Boston Globe
Scientists zap sludge and make it useful, AP, May 22, 1977 - Boston Globe
Q&A with Regional EPA Director John McGlennon, June. 12, 1977 - Boston Globe
MDC is working on harbor pollution, Martin Weiss, MDC, Aug. 19, 1977 - Boston Globe
MDC allowed to redesign Quincy plant, Nov. 27, 1977 - Boston Globe
1978 Top
MDC gets $2.5m US grant to help stem sewer overflow, Peter Cowen, May 20, 1978 - Boston Globe
Average water bill in Boston to jump from $89 to $132, Peter Cowen, Jun. 22, 1978 - Boston Globe
MDC harbor cleanup plan called futile {OMB report] , Jerry Ackerman, Sep. 13, 1978 - Boston Globe
Major sewage change planned, Sep. 13, 1978 - Boston Globe
Boston Harbor cleanup: $855m-plan marks time, Sep. 13, 1978 - Boston Globe
EPA proposes $404m sewage plant on Deer Island, Jerry Ackerman, Sep. 26, 1978 - Boston Globe
Revised plan for harbor, Jerry Ackerman, Sep. 26, 1978 - Boston Globe
Snedeker to head Boston water office, David Rogers, Nov. 2, 1978 - Boston Globe
Sewer plan worries Winthrop, Tom McNiff, Nov. 19, 1978 - Boston Globe
Neighbors hit sewage plan, Jerry Ackerman, Nov. 21, 1978 - Boston Globe
Nace appointed MDC commissioner, Nov. 30, 1978 - Boston Globe
1979 Top
A good news proposal: Cut Hub water bills 11.6% [John Snedeker], Norman Lockman, Feb. 4, 1979 - Boston Globe
Winthrop residents oppose incinerators, Ben Bradlee, Apr. 26, 1979 - Boston Globe
$30m harbor incinerator planned, Tom McNiff, Apt. 29, 1979 - Boston Globe
Point and counterpoint on the Boston Harbor, Gayle Pollard, May 22, 1979 - Boston Globe
King gets sewer plant petition, Jul. 29, 1979 - Boston Globe
The state senate and Boston Harbor, Aug. 5, 1979 - Boston Globe
Dumping Boston sewage, Ocean is seen as disposal site, Tom McNiff, Nov. 22, 1979 - Boston Globe
Time for action on Boston Harbor, Ian Menzies, Dec. 10, 1979 - Boston Globe
1980-2002 Top

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